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Train Your Brain To Stop Worrying With THESE 3 Simple Habits!

Worrying is something that most of us are guilty of. While a little bit of worry can be constructive, most of the time it becomes detrimental to your peace of mind. Constant worrying can end up affecting your health in many negative ways. Chronic worriers can develop problems with anxiety, depression and insomnia. Constantly being plagued with thoughts can also effect your daily productivity. It causes you to become distracted and unable to focus. If you are a worrier, you probably know it. You may feel the draining effects of your thoughts on a daily basis. And chances are, your friends and family members often use phrases such as "you worry too much" or "relax" which usually makes you feel worse. From someone on the outside looking in, constant worrying might seem pointless. But for those who struggle with being able to quiet their minds, letting go of their worries is much easier said than done.

Here's how to train your brain to stop worrying:

1. Write Things Down

If you can't sleep at night because something is nagging at you, try writing it down. You might be laying in bed when you suddenly remember that the electric bill is due tomorrow, or that a friend's birthday is in a few days. If you're like me, you might constantly conjure up to-do lists in your head. Whatever it is that you're worrying about, take a minute to grab a pen and a piece of paper and write it down. Or make a note in your phone if that's more convenient. Writing it out will help allow your brain to relax. You'll no longer have to spend energy worrying and trying to remember things.

2. Meditate

People practice meditation for many different reasons. Some want to become more in tune with themselves while others want to become more in tune with nature. Some meditate to create an open mind while others rely on meditation to slow things down and help relieve stress and anxiety. Have you ever wondered if it really works? Researchers at John Hopkins University in Baltimore Maryland sifted through nearly 19,000 meditation studies and found evidence that mindful meditation can help easy psychological stresses such as anxiety, depression and pain. If you're a worry wart, meditation might be able to help.

3. Exercise

Have you ever heard someone say that exercising is a great way to relieve stress? According to science, it's true! Research has shown that exercise has an effect on serotonin in the brain (the "happy" brain chemical), and it also reduces the effects of oxidative stress. Studies have shown that exercise actually remodels the brain, making it more resistant to stress. If running isn't your thing, try lifting weights. If that doesn't work for you, try boxing, hiking or swimming. Choose an exercise routine that you enjoy and make it a regular part of your day to stop you worries from becoming overwhelming. Sources: Power of Positivity The JAMA Network The New York Times Psychology Today Web MD
