In the past few years, quinoa has increased in popularity as a protein-filled, gluten-free ancient grain. But unlike grains such as wheat and barley, quinoa plants grow edible seeds, which boast an impressive nutritional profile. They not only contain a fair amount of protein and fiber, but also important micronutrients, like magnesium, phosphorus, folate, iron, zinc, potassium, and selenium, among others. It's no wonder people want to learn more quinoa benefits.
Quinoa Benefits
1. Aids in Weight Loss
Yes, really! Because quinoa contains both protein and fiber, it helps you feel full sooner. And those feelings of satiety aid in weight loss. Quinoa benefits cholesterol levels, too. In fact, eating quinoa on a regular basis is associated with weight loss and improved cholesterol levels. A 2014 study found that quinoa consumption led to higher energy expenditure, better glucose processing, and less dietary fat absorption. (1)2. Is Gluten-Free
Almost all baked goods use wheat and added gluten. Quinoa, on the other hand, provides the body with gluten-free nutrients. In a 2009 study, patients with celic disease often followed a gluten-free diet that relied heavily on rice as the primary grain source, which was not nutritionally adequate. By changing their primary grain source to quinoa, the patients were able to meet their nutritional needs of protein, iron, calcium, and fiber. In the same way, quinoa also benefits those who are non-celiac gluten sensitive. (2)3. May Help Fight Cancer
Studies suggest that quinoa benefits may include the ability to help fight cancer. Quinoa is packed with disease-fighting antioxidants that may help treat and prevent cancer, including controversial saponins. On occasion or with sensitive groups, saponins may negatively impact the lining of the intestines and contribute to leaky gut syndrome. However, saponins also show promising results for their ability to cause cell death in cancer cells. (3)4. Supports Heart Health
As you may have guessed, quinoa benefits a healthy heart. Why? For one, it contains about four grams of fat per cup, made up of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat and omega-3 fatty acids. Quinoa also contains potassium, which naturally lowers blood pressure and helps reduce the risk of stroke. (4)