Radishes, a common ingredient in salads, have a crunchy texture and a zesty, slightly spicy flavor. It's a member of the Brassicaceae family, and its root is related to kale, cauliflower and broccoli. You’ve likely had a radish before, and you are probably aware they are a healthy food option. But are you aware of radish nutrition specifics? Radishes, for example, are on the list of alkaline foods, which can help your body fight off diseases and illnesses. And they can protect the heart, promote skin health, and may be helpful in treating jaundice, as well. Learn more about radish health benefits by reading the list below!

Here are 5 radish health benefits:
1. Jaundice and Detoxification Treatment
Radish health benefits start with the ability to detox the body and treat jaundice. Although jaundice is typically associated with infants, adults can develop it as well. Radish nutrition includes the ability to cleanse the body of toxins and waste, however, speak to a doctor before giving radishes to infants. (1, 2)2. Osteoarthritis Relief
Next on the list of radish health benefits is the ability to prevent and treat arthritis. This is due to the vitamin C in radishes, which can help limit damage to cartilage brought on by free radicals in the body. This can both help prevent and treat arthritis. (3)3. Weight Management
Due to the fiber content, radish health benefits also include helping you lose weight. Fiber can make you feel full, which keeps you from overeating. Furthermore, radish health benefits include being low in calories and high in water, making them a good option for those attempting weight loss. Additionally, as radishes contain a high amount of fiber, they can regulate bowel movements and eliminate constipation, which is often the cause of hemorrhoids. Furthermore, radishes may even help lower cholesterol by binding to low-density lipoproteins.