Pimento, also known as Allspice, is a large evergreen tree native to the Carribbean Islands and South America. The name Allspice comes from the description of its scent, which is a mixture of clove, cinnamon, cardamom, pepper, and a few others. One of pimento’s botanical names is Pimento Officinalis, the suffix of which is indicative of medicinal properties. (1) Learn about the numerous benefits of pimento essential oil by reading below.
Intestinal gas can be painful and in extreme cases, even fatal. Gas presents itself in an array of unpleasant symptoms, such as indigestion, unrest, stomach aches, bloating, hiccups, chest pain, high blood pressure, and heart problems. And if gas becomes trapped in certain places, it can press against organs and cause death. Pimento oil, however, can give you relief from gas by easing it out as well as prevent future problematic gas from forming. (7)

Here are 9 health uses of pimento essential oil:
1. Anesthetic Properties
Pimento essential oil has a local numbing/anesthetic effect, and as such, you can use it to relieve pain. It works great for neuralgia, bone and muscular injuries, joint pain, as well as pain from insect bites or bee stings. (2)2. Reduces Pain
With its numbing abilities, pimento prevents pain reach the brain or be felt by your nerves. As you can imagine, this is helpful in several conditions, such as wounds, headaches, colds, arthritis, and gout, to list a few. Furthermore, pimento essential oil won’t have any lasting dulling effects on your nerves or brain, nor does it have any negative side effects on the heart, unlike most analgesics on the market. (3)
3. Detoxifies Body
Our bodies have free radicals that carry active oxygen and speed up the oxidation of cells, which promotes aging. But with its antioxidant properties, pimento oil can help slow down aging by neutralizing these free radicals as well as repair the damage they’ve done. (4)4. Bacterial Infections
Pimento oil also has antibacterial agents, making it useful for fighting off tetanus, staph, and other bacterial infections. Septic and tetanus infections can spread very quickly, leading to severe convulsions, muscular cramps, inability to breathe, and in some cases, may even cause mental illnesses. (5, 6) Use pimento essential oil to help fight off these dangerous infections.5. Flatulence