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There Is a New SUPERNUTRIENT (Xanthohumol) Genetically About Halfway Between Grapes And Cannabis

There is a New Supernutrient in Town. Its Name is Xanthohumol.

Xanthohumol. It sounds like a superhero, doesn't it? Well, it is super - a supernutrient with benefits researchers are just beginning to discover. This important compound comes from the hops flower, specifically, within hops flowers that grow on the hops vine — a plant that is genetically about halfway between grapes and cannabis. (1) You may know that hops flowers have been used as a preservative and flavoring agent in beer since ancient times. And as you may have guessed, most people get their dose of xanthohumol from beer. As a testament to its longevity properties, the hops plant itself is winter-tough and, like grapes, may grow in a wide variety of climates, ranging from Los Angeles to Montreal. Flower_Buds.293164918_std

The Hops Flower and Its Gold Supernutrient

OK - so it's great for the human body, but how do you even pronounce it? First, make the X a Z — that makes it easier — zantho. And second, pronounce the second part of the word "humol" like the word human — hume-all. Xanthohumol. This gold-colored flavonoid concentrates in the bracteole section of flowers from the hops plant known by the scientific Latin name Humulus lupulus. Like other flavonoids, xanthohumol is a color pigment. In this case, it's part of what gives a golden yellow color to hops pollen. This particular flavonoid has been the subject of over 75 research papers as a potentially longevity-enhancing compound. (2) Interestingly, the studies on resveratrol, the pigment in purple berries, grapes, and roots, inspired the research into xanthohumol. Similarly, xanthohumol is a yellow-gold flavonoid called chalcone, which is similar in structure to the yellow stilbene resveratrol. (3)

Next, Supernutrients Must Reach The Cells

The key goal for any supernutrient is to get it to the cells intact. Once in touch with cell membranes, supernutrients can perform their beneficial medicinal and epigenetic actions. (4) cell-animal1 supernutrient xanthohumol Image Source First, we should point out that flavonoids, like resveratrol and xanthohumol, break down quickly during digestion. So even though researchers realize the benefits of these flavonoids, they also realize that getting them into the cells is complicated business. In fact, resveratrol specifically breaks down within three and a half hours. That's a very short window for absorption! So the research suggests drinking dark red wine. Why? Well, not only are the flavonoids in higher concentration (note the darker color), but also the alcohol drives the resveratrol in quickly and makes it useful to cells. Research into xanthohumol, on the other hand, indicates that it is most bio-available when a water-soluble (and still fat-soluble) molecule. This highly bio-available form of Xanthohumol is known as Luciden. And you will also see the extract called Hops X Factor. Unlike other hops extracts, which are typically not bio-available, Luciden has twelve hours to reach the cells once ingested. (5)

Benefits of Xanthohumol in Luciden Form

In fact, some scientists and researchers believe xanthohumol is 200 times more powerful than resveratrol. For example, xanthohumol has been shown in studies to have the following effects on cells and tissue: (6)
  • Lowers isoprostanes within 3 weeks in humans by 36% (measured in urine). This means that xanthohumol is able to reduce the overall stress on the human system.
  • Downregulates aromatase (natural aromatase inhibition). This protects cells from toxic estrogens and xeno-estrogens (artificial hormones like those found in plastics).
  • Inhibits NF-k B (nuclear factor kappa beta) activation in cells. This inhibits mutations and cancerous changes in cells.
  • Inhibits phase I cytochrome P450 enzymes. These are involved in the metabolic activation of carcinogens. This protects the body from dangerous toxins.
  • Inhibits nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2 production. These are potent anti-inflammatory actions.
  • Exhibits broad-spectrum anti-viral effects.
  • Overall, anti-aging and youthening epigenetic effects. Xanthohumol stimulates the cells to stay younger, longer.

Luciden - Hops X Factor - Products

Xanthohumol in its highly bioavailable Luciden form is currently available in two products: Hops X Factor (non-alcohol dropper bottle) xctmptkwAoB supernutrient xanthohumol hops x factor And in the Sacred Chocolate's bar, Longevity Bliss. chocolate supernutrient xanthohumol

So would you like to know more? Watch David Wolfe talk with the experts about Hops X Factor.

First up, David talks with Steve Adler of Sacred Chocolate about the Longevity Bliss bar. Second, watch this video interview between David and Dr. Eric Kuhrts, whom he considers the world's leading authority on Xanthohumol and its bio-available form Luciden. Lastly, to dig more into the scientific research, please visit this site dedicated to Xanthohumol.
