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7 Self-Care Tips For When You Feel Defeated

There are a ton of self-care tips out there for people who want to feel better and be healthier. Just for you, we found the seven best self-care tips on the internet and brought them straight to you. These are vital self-care techniques that can get anyone feeling better in no time. If you're feeling down and you need a pick-me-up these seven tips are just for you. These simple seven techniques are enough to get you through the day and give you the self-care you need to stay happy and healthy.

The seven best self-care tips from across the internet are right here and you don't want to miss them.

#1 Yoga, exercising, or some other type of workout, preferably in the morning.

Thomas Plante, Ph.D. told Psychology Today that his self-care routine starts with a 30-minute run every morning. Huffington Post's number one self-care tip is to "squeeze in a morning workout." A small workout in the morning can really help get you through your day.

Here is a powerful but simple Yoga flow:

#2 Keep yourself entertained.

Whether it means you're reading a new book, watching a new television show, or scrolling through funny pictures of animals on Instagram - keeping yourself entertained and amused is an important part of taking care of yourself. According to Huffington Post, one good way to practice self-care is to get lost in a novel. While Buzzfeed on the other hand came up with the suggestion that you make your Instagram account a "soothing place" and there's no better way to do that than with puppies. The Huffington Post also suggested trying some good old reality television or a TV-show from across the pond that you haven't seen.

#3 Sometimes self-care can be found right in the kitchen.

Whether you're making a delicious masterpiece for yourself or you're power cleaning the kitchen because you just finished making something amazing - self-care can often times be found in the kitchen. There is nothing more satisfying than whipping up a good meal and then eating it. If you're not in the mood to eat then maybe you're in the mood to clean. Some people find the activity of cleaning therapeutic in nature. The progressively cleaner the kitchen gets the better you'll feel! The other thing that's great about the kitchen is that there's probably coffee.

#4 Taking a hot bubble-bath or shower.

Heidi Reeder, Ph.D. told Psychology Today that in the colder months she likes to take a bubble-bath as a part of her self-care routine. Likewise, Huffington Post told readers to take a hot shower or soak in a tub for their self care.

#5 Doing simple puzzles.

Doing a simple puzzle like a crossword is a great way to improve your mood and your mindset. Meg Selig, Ph.D. told Psychology Today that she enjoys doing the New York Times crossword puzzle. While not everyone is up to Dr. Selig's speed, many people may enjoy doing a simpler crossword puzzle, Sudoku, or word-find game. Not only do these games sharpen your mind they also help stabilize your mood. Buzzfeed recommends doing an old-school puzzle.

#6 Try meditating or maybe just being alone for a few minutes.

Buzzfeed recommends meditating, which is always a great suggestion. Similarly, the Huffington Post recommends their readers go on a quiet walk by themselves. Miguel Angel Escotet. Ph.D. told Psychology Today that he takes a few minutes every morning when he wakes up to think about the day before. This type of mindful meditation can be extremely helpful and is a great self-care tip.

#7 Everyone needs love.

Whether its spending more time with a loved-one or taking a few extra minutes to spend time with man's-best-friend everyone needs to be loved. Alice Boyes, Ph.D. told Psychology Today that when she needs self-care she gets a hug. Barb Markway, Ph.D. says that she plays with her two Bichons Lily and Larry. Laura Nichols, Ph.D. says she gets her self-care from playing with her two cats Zoe and Zak. Buzzfeed's suggestion is to "call your person." This can be anybody from your parents to your best friend from school. Calling someone who is close to you and having a conversation with them is always helpful for a healthy mindset. Sources: Buzzfeed Huffington Post Psychology Today
