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All You Need To Know About Glutathione Supplements

Glutathione is one of the most powerful compounds your body produces. Doctors affectionately refer to it as "the mother of all antioxidants." Unfortunately, things like poor diet, pollution and other toxins in our modern environment tend to reduce natural glutathione levels in the body. And that's where supplements come in. But wait – what exactly does taking glutathione supplements accomplish? Are there any risks to taking them? I'm glad you asked! Let's dive right in.

Benefits of Glutathione Supplementation

Improved Ability To Fight Illness

MRSA,_Ingestion_by_Neutrophil In an ideal state, your body is able to produce enough glutathione on its own. But as you age, take on stress, come into contact with environmental toxins, and battle sickness, your body drifts from that ideal state. As a result, your body loses the ability to create the necessary amount of glutathione. That leads to greater vulnerability to illness and viruses such as the common cold, flu and inflammatory conditions like arthritis. Medical experts have made note of significantly decreased glutathione levels in those suffering from just about every illness imaginable.

Mental Illness Treatment

hqdefault (1) In 2009, researchers found evidence pointing to glutathione as a potential treatment for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Interestingly, both of those mental disorders are linked to oxidative stress in the brain. Given that glutathione is one of nature's strongest antioxidants, its effectiveness should come as no surprise. Research has also shown that glutathione may potentially be able to treat clinical depression. It does this by maintaining a healthy cellular balance, especially in the brain.

Cancer Prevention

Metastatic_Melanoma_Cells_Nci-vol-9872-300 Glutathione plays a major role in several cellular processes, including cell multiplication. With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that researchers have found a strong link between glutathione level disturbance and cancer. Conversely, elevated levels of glutathione lead to increased resistance to the oxidative stress commonly observed in cancer cells.


As with any supplement, it's a good idea to check in with your doctor before taking glutathione. He or she will be able to let you know if the compound will interact with any medications you may take. Some medical experts have reported that long-term use of glutathione causes lower zinc levels. Other side effects experienced by some patients in clinical trials include fever, diarrhea, increased flatulence and flushing.

Looking for a good organic glutathione supplement? Here's a good search to get you started!

Sources: WebMD Dr. David Williams Huffington Post
