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This DIY Fly Chaser Will Keep Your Home Fly Free All Summer!

Roll out that patio furniture, folks – It's summer! The season filled with great outdoor conversation, lots of natural vitamin D and... swatting at flies like a maniac. Those flies can really be pesky. But they're more than pesky – They're outright disgusting! Did you know that a single fly can contain more than 200 forms of hazardous types of bacteria? These bacteria stick to flies' hairy legs and transfer onto your food mere moments after landing on it. Also Read: This Is What Happens When A Fly Lands On Your Food So not only are flies a nuisance at any outdoor gathering, they can also make your guests sick! Luckily, there's a quick and nifty trick to getting rid of the little buggers. Bug zappers and fly swatters leave lots to clean up. But one method makes sure they don't wind up in your yard in the first place.

Introducing – the fly chaser!

You probably already have everything you need to put together your fly chaser. Here are the necessary materials:
  • A plastic zip-up bag
  • 4 pennies
  • Water
Begin by filling your zip-up bag about halfway with water. Next, drop your pennies in the bag and seal it. Then, hang the bag on a clothesline or by an open window. That's it! How does it work? Well, flies have compound eyes. The pennies in the water take advantage of this by creating prisms of light that confuse the flies and make them see several plastic bags instead of just one. Flies are terrified of water, so seeing an abundance of it will keep them away!

Check out the video below for more information on the fly chaser!

Sources: 1BettyBill
