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Here’s How You Can Detoxify Your Armpit and Prevent Cancer!

No one really wants to talk about their armpits. They are the stinky part of the body that most of us wish never existed. Pit stains and weird smells are not fun for anyone to deal with, so most of us cover them up with deodorants that stop the smell and even the sweat. This is, unfortunately, a terrible idea. According to the National Cancer Institute: Aluminum-based compounds are used as the active ingredient in antiperspirants. These compounds form a temporary plug within the sweat duct that stops the flow of sweat to the skin's surface. Some research suggests that aluminum-based compounds, which are applied frequently and left on the skin near the breast, may be absorbed by the skin and cause estrogen-like (hormonal) effects. Because estrogen has the ability to promote the growth of breast cancer cells, some scientists have suggested that the aluminum-based compounds in antiperspirants may contribute to the development of breast cancer. Also, the body uses sweat to cool down and remove toxins from the body. By blocking these sweat glands, you are blocking one of the body’s natural methods for removing toxins. Deodorant isn’t a medical necessity, it s a need solely based on society’s view of what is normal. “Sometimes as a society, we use products because they are used in a mass, mainstream way, and we never stop to question their validity…or their purpose. Such is the case with antiperspirants. Why do we want to STOP our body from perspiring? Our skin is our largest organ, and it detoxifies waste daily. If we STOP the sweat glands from working, we are holding the toxins in, not allowing them to flow out of the body. We do not want to hinder detoxification like this, and especially not on a daily basis.” (source) Some ways to sweat less include drinking plenty of water and eating healthy (foods rich in calcium and a lot of fruits and vegetables). Another way to reduce sweat, have it smell less, and remove any toxins from the armpit is to perform an armpit detox! This is key to preventing breast cancer that may form due to antiperspirant use.

Here is a video about how to make an armpit detox! Her recipe calls for 2 tablespoons of bentonite clay, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of water. You can also add 2 drops of coriander essential oil and 1 drop of rosemary essential oil to the mixture. Apply the mixture under the armpit and let it sit for 5 to 15 minutes. (Those with more sensitive skin should only let it sit for five.) Then all you need to do is wash it off.

Here is another video about how to apply the mixture for the detox! Armpit detoxing isn’t just for women. Men can benefit from this activity as well. Besides removing aluminum that has been linked to breast cancer, an armpit detox will also help the skin better perform its job of removing toxins.

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(h/t: Health Nut News)
