Sure, a little stress every now and again is a good thing for your body. But if you're showing some of these physical signs, you actually may be too stressed for your own good.
Stress does have its good side. It can help motivate you to work harder and perform your best under pressure. And the stress response is the body's way of protecting you. But chronic stress can lead to some serious health issues, both mental and physical. It can suppress your immune system, upset your digestive system and cause problems with your reproductive system. Chronic stress affects nearly every system in your body. Recognizing the physical signs of being too stressed can help you protect yourself from further health complications.
Here are seven physical signs that you are too stressed:
1. Headaches
Stress is the number one cause of tension headaches. This type of headache can cause mild, moderate or intense pain in your head, neck and behind your eyes. Stress can also exacerbate other types of headaches, including migraines.2. Digestive Issues
The brain's nervous system is linked to the gut, so mental stress can have negative effects on the digestive system. Nausea, indigestion, cramps and stomach aches can all be caused by too much stress. Stress can also worsen conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.
3. Weight Fluctuations
Chronic stress is often associated with weight gain. Elevated levels of cortisol in the body due to stress can raise the appetite and cause a person to crave junk food. You've probably heard this referred to as stress eating. Chronic stress can also cause weight loss.4. Fatigue
Stress increases pressure and tension inside the body. If you're under constant stress, you are more prone to fatigue. Mental and physical exhaustion can be caused by stress. This type of fatigue is constant and can not be remedied with sleep.
5. Chest Pains
Stress leads to anxiety and anxiety leads to stress. This viscous cycle can affect your health in more ways than one. If you're too stressed, you may begin to feel tightness and pain in your chest. Chronic stress is a risk factor for heart disease and heart attack.6. Low Libido
Low libido can occur in both men and women who are stressed. Stress affects the chemicals in the brain that are responsible for stimulating sex drive. Men may experience lowered sperm count due to stress, while women may experience problems in ovulation.