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5 Simple Ways To Train Your Brain To Be Positive

With all of life's unexpected twists and turns, it's often difficult to stay positive. Negative thoughts have a sneaky way of creeping in and ruining our day. The trick is to train your brain to stay positive. If your heart is set on keeping a positive attitude, those negative thoughts won't stand a chance! (1)

Here are five tips to help train your brain to stay positive when something unexpected arises:

1. Take Care Of Yourself

Your lifestyle choices can greatly affect your mental health. If you're constantly eating junk food, smoking or drinking alcohol, your body will suffer in more ways than one. Studies have shown that even vitamin deficiencies can cause declines in mental health. Being deficient in nutrients that your body needs can lead to stress, anxiety and depression. The first steps to getting your mind in the right place include eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep each night. Studies show that when you're sleep deprived, you'll feel more irritable, hostile and angry. Making healthy lifestyle choices can help you feel refreshed and stay positive. (2) sleeping on side

2. Find Something To Be Thankful For

No matter how bad your situation may seem, there is always something to be thankful for. Spend some time each morning to list three things that you're thankful for. Keep a journal if you want and write them down. It might be your family, friends or a roof over your head. No matter how big or how small, it's important to remind yourself of the good things in your life. When something goes wrong, refer back to your morning list and try to find peace. If you focus on gratitude, the little things won't seem so important. (3)

3. Give Back

Sometimes the best way to help yourself is to help others. Whether you choose to volunteer at a local shelter, visit a nursing home, or send an unexpected gift to someone in need, brightening someone else's day has a ripple effect. Good vibes are contagious. Bringing joy to others can fill you with that same joy and positivity. And finding purpose through positivity can be a powerful motivator. (4) volunteer planting

4. Follow Your Passion

The best way to stay positive is to do something that you love, each and every day. If your job doesn't bring you joy, search for a new one. Find your passion and follow that passion. Whether it's writing, music, acting, helping others or traveling, put away the excuses and find time to do what makes you happy! Your goals and dreams are closer than you think. All you have to do is act on them! (5)

5. Find Balance

Life can get hectic. Stress can creep in and overwhelm you before you know it, creating a negative mindset. That's why balance is so important. If you're overwhelmed at work, maybe it's time to take a step back. If your relationship is too stressful, maybe it's time to take a break. Find ways to stay centered. Do yoga, meditate, take a walk in the park on your lunch break or do any other activity that helps calm your mind. Focus on creating positive vibes and dispelling any negative thoughts. They'll only bring you down! (6) Sources: Power of Positivity Forbes Greater Good Positive Psychology Psychology Today Psychology Today
