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4 Simple Steps To Stop Fatigue & Start Living Again!

How often do you think 'just one more cup of coffee' or 'I just need a few more hours of sleep?' We all get in a rut every once in a while. We start feeling tired, sluggish, unable to focus. We begin to lack motivation or the energy to do pretty much anything. The truth is, we all need to re-energize every once in a while. Falling into a rut can happen to anyone. You might be feeling overwhelmed, stressed out or uninspired. If you notice that lack of energy is a constant problem for you, there's something that might be able to help. Something more effective than an energy drink or six cups of coffee. It's called personal energy management. It's a four-step plan to giving you the boost you need and getting your energy back!

Here's 4 Steps To Stop Fatigue & Start Living Again:

1. Physical Energy

exercise 3 Without physical energy, it can feel almost impossible to get out of bed every day or perform well at your job. Time management can help restore physical energy, as well as:
  • Exercise - Even you aren't a big fan of the gym, choose outdoor running or hiking instead. Try taking up a sport or trying a workout video. Do something active that you enjoy.
  • Sleep - Without adequate sleep, your body will never be able to catch up. Try to get at least seven hours of sleep each night in order to feel refreshed and ready for the next day.
  • Eat Healthy Meals - Cut the junk food out of your diet. Processed foods and sugar can weigh your body down and make you feel sluggish. Be conscious of what you're putting into your body. Start eating a healthy, well-balanced diet.

2. Emotional Energy

happy peaceful Even if your physical energy is on track, your emotional energy can weigh you down. If you're experiencing mood swings, anger or frustration, it may mean that your emotional energy needs a boost. Find time to evaluate the way you're feeling and get to the root of the problem. If you're feeling down, address the reason. Do what you can to push negative thoughts out of your mind and focus on the positives. Feelings of content, challenges, new opportunities, hope and adventure can help boost your emotional energy.

3. Intellectual Energy

reading (2) Your intellectual energy involves your creativity, time management and planning. Without intellectual energy you might feel like you're in a fog. If you're unable to concentrate and you get frequent headaches, your intellectual energy most likely needs a boost. Even if you have a million things to do, find some time to relax. Read a book, play music, paint or doodle in a notebook to get your creativity flowing. Try meditating to clear your mind. Make a decision to unplug from social media and electronics in order to refresh your intellectual energy.

4. Spiritual Energy

meditate 2 If you're feeling lost or a little broken, your spiritual energy might be suffering. Whatever your beliefs are, spend time revisiting them. Giving back can also help rejuvenate spiritual energy. Volunteer for a good cause. Plant trees around your neighborhood, volunteer at a soup kitchen or walk a few dogs at the animal shelter on your day off. Doing something good for the environment or for others can help boost your spiritual energy. Sources: Brightside Wikihow Volunteer Match Mind Body Green
