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25 Simple Changes to Help You Become a More Positive Person

If you're still at that point in your life where you're trying to figure out who you are, what you want, and what you want to do, don't worry — This "phase" can often last a lifetime. Finding yourself is a long process and a continuous journey. While some of us are completely content with who we are and where we're at, others are wondering how to make the changes they've been thinking about, to become who they really want to be. It's easy to struggle with positivity when we are surrounded by stressful situations on a daily basis — like getting stuck in traffic, falling behind on schoolwork or bills, or dealing with negative people, and staying positive can be a struggle. If a goal of yours is to become a more positive person, here's the perfect way to get started. You've probably heard that it takes 30 days to establish a new habit. Everything on this list can be done within a month. The best approach is to pick out a few, and try to practice them every day, until they become a habit, then choose a few more and repeat the cycle. In no time at all, you'll have picked up some great habits to aid in your happiness and create a more positive you!

1. Use words that encourage happiness.

2. Try one new thing every day.

3. Perform one selfless act every day.

4. Teach someone something new every day.

5. Dedicate an hour a day to something you're passionate about.

6. Treat everyone nicely, even those who are rude to you.

7. Concentrate on being positive at all times.

8. Address and acknowledge the lesson in inconvenient situations.

9. Pay attention and enjoy your life as it happens — live in the moment.

10. Get rid of one bad habit for 30 days.

11. Create something brand new in 30 days or less.

12. Don't tell a lie for 30 days.

13. Don't watch more than 30 minutes of T.V. a day.

14. Define one long-term goal and set aside time to work on it every day.

15. Read one chapter of a good book every day.

16. Find something that makes you laugh and do it daily.

17. Exercise in your own way for 30 minutes every day for 30 days.

18. Get uncomfortable and face one of your fears.

19. Try cooking a brand new, healthy recipe.

20. Spend 10 minutes every evening reflecting on your day.

21. Let go of one relationship that constantly hurts you.

22. Forgive someone who deserves another chance.

23. Document every day with a photo or a paragraph in a journal.

24. Watch, read or listen to something every morning that inspires you.

25. Compliment those around you. You could make someone's day!

h/t: brightside
