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Got Dry Skin? Here's Why You NEED Avocado Oil!

Having chronically dry skin is no fun, particularly during the winter months, when harsh winds and low humidity can quickly strip away any moisture your skin does have.

Thankfully, there are a number of natural remedies for dry skin – including avocado oil! Read on to learn more about how avocado oil can help heal dry skin, as well as how to go about using it to this effect.

First Things First

There are several potential medical causes for dry skin. These include allergic eczema, psoriasis, dehydration, and hypothyroidism. (1)

Whether you have one of these medical conditions or not, it's worth speaking to a dermatologist before trying to combat your dry skin.

A medical professional will be able to help you figure out whether or not you have an allergy that might make avocado oil an unsuitable remedy for your dry skin.

For most people, though, avocado oil is a fantastic solution to dry skin – all thanks to the following documented benefits.

#1 – Avocado Oil Moisturizes You Skin

Researchers behind a 2018 study hailed avocado oil as an "excellent source of enrichment for dry, damaged, or chapped skin." (2)

This characteristic comes thanks to the vitamin E, potassium, lecithin and other nutrients that work wonders for you skin.

Your skin's outer layer, the epidermis, absorbs these nutrients very easily, which even helps you generate new, healthy skin.

#2 – Avocado Oil Repairs Damaged Skin

If you suffer from psoriasis or eczema, avocado oil contains antioxidants and vitamins that could prove super useful to you.

If you're going to use avocado oil topically to combat either of these ailments, speak to a dermatologist first. They'll likely recommend that you try the oil on a small patch of the affected skin first to make sure it doesn't exacerbate your symptoms.

#3 – Avocado Oil Accelerates The Healing of Wounds

Avocado oil contains oleic acid and essential fatty acids that help your body produce collagen. This process is key when trying to heal damaged skin, which makes avocado oil a very helpful aid for damaged skin, which can make dry skin even more painful. (4)

The essential fatty acids in avocado oil have the added effect of producing anti-inflammatory effects, which can tame the inflammation you experience during the healing process.

#4 – Avocado Oil Reduces Dandruff

One major, noticeable, problem people experience along with dry skin is a dry scalp and – consequentially – dandruff.

Few things are as nerve wracking as hoping that person you're having a real up-and-close conversation with doesn't notice the flakes in your hair.

Thankfully, if you apply avocado oil to your hair as a hot oil mask, you should experience relief from dandruff.

#5 – Avocado Oil Fights Signs of Aging

Avocado oil contains lots of carotenoids, including lutein. This antioxidant prevents age-related eye degeneration. Research also suggests that lutein can protect your skin form UV rays.

What's more, avocado oil contains chlorophyll – another antioxidant. Chlorophyll abolishes free radicals in your skin. Free radicals are the root of oxidative damage. Many scientists propose that free radicals are actually at the root of aging itself.

The Secret To Making Avocado Oil Even More Powerful

Any high quality, organic avocado oil will provide you the above benefits.

But if you really want to take things to the next level and experience the peak powers of avocado oil, you'll want to try a very specific type: C60 Avocado Oil.

The 'C60' in C60 Avocado Oil stands for carbon 60. Cosmetics manufacturers have been using C60 for years to give their products anti-aging, regenerative effects.

The problem with a lot of those products is, they contain a lot of other ingredients that are toxic and can damage your skin. The variety of C60 Avocado Oil we carry contains high quality carbon 60 fullerenes, along with organic cold-pressed avocado oil.

In a 2011 study, researchers found that C60 has the ability to increase the lifespan of mice by as much as 95%. (5)

This is thanks to C60's intense detoxifying abilities.

Because researchers only discovered these abilities fairly recently, there hasn't been much time to look into their potential effects on humans. That said, research does show that C60 can add the following additional benefits to your skin, making it an awesome companion for avocado oil.

For one, research shows that C60 can prevent UV damage, stopping sunburn in its tracks. (6)

C60 is also an antioxidant, which compounds upon the effects of lutein in avocado oil.

How To Use C60 Avocado Oil for Dry Skin

Research suggests that C60 – like avocado oil – is safe for both topical and internal use.

Once your dermatologist has confirmed that C60 Avocado Oil is safe for your particular case, you can apply it topically as needed. You can also use it internally (start with two dropperfuls once daily) to support your bodily function overall.

When using C60 Avocado Oil topically for dry skin, it's best to use a moderate amount and avoid using it on an area that won't come into contact with your clothes.

C60 is a black, charcoal-like substance. While we mix it very well into the avocado oil, if you go overboard it can still stain your clothes – so exercise caution.

One option is to place the C60 on your skin a couple hours before you take a shower.







