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Water Fast Update from David Wolfe

Have you ever tried water fasting? It's an experience I highly recommend as part of your routine detoxification experience.

I posted the photo below on Instagram a couple days ago and have had a lot of people express an interest in learning more.

Stay tuned for my next Group Detox (our last Group Detox ended a week ago today and it was a BLAST) where you can join in live calls with me and ask me any questions about water fasting you'd like.

If you invest yourself via a Detox Box, you'll receive access to the replays of our last Group Detox Calls. You'll also get a two-week Detox Guide!

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💦💧💦Day 6 on this Water Fast has begun. 💦💩💦This cleanse really began in earnest with a #Colonic with @sarahmoorehealth in Nashville on April 1st. 💦🌀💦The daily plan this month has been to continue with my #DetoxBox consisting of my #WolfeCarbonDetox, #Kohlbitr #ActivatedCharcol and Remove Unwanted Guests Formula (Link in Bio). This has worked better than I imagined. Never got this far into a #WaterFast so easily. 🛠🚪⚒Been spending 6-8 hours a day doing construction and #CosmicPlumber projects mixed in with the #5TibetanRites. Energy has been off the charts! 💦🌊💦I’ve been bathing in #HawaiianRivers and the #PacificOcean nearly every day as well. ☕️💩☕️The #CoffeeEnemas continue! 💦💧💦#WaterIsLife #EatLessLiveMore #Fasting #IntermittentFasting #GetYoungerFaster #DrinkMoreWater 💦🥑💦Please consider joining me on the next cleanse! Stay tuned!

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Caption: Day 6 (now day 8 of 12 as of writing) on this Water Fast has begun. This cleanse really began in earnest with a colonic in Nashville in April.

The daily plan this month has been to continue with my Detox Box consisting of my C60 Wolfe Carbon Detox, Kohlbitr Activated Charcoal and Remove Unwanted Guests Formula.

This has worked better than I imagined. Never got this far into a water fast so easily. Been spending 6-8 hours a day doing construction mixed in with the 5 Tibetan Rites. Energy has been off the charts! I’ve been bathing in Hawaiian Rivers and the Pacific Ocean nearly every day as well. The Coffee Enemas continue!

Please consider joining me on the next cleanse! Stay tuned for information on that!

Happy Spring Cleansing!

David Avocado Wolfe

Check Out This Video Where I Discuss Detox Strategies!
