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This Uninhabitable 1887 Home Was Restored And Now Looks Like THIS!

For several years, house number 505 on Linden Avenue in York, Pennsylvania was – to put it mildly – uninhabitable. And that's quite a shame; even in its rundown state, you can see just how beautiful the property once was.
Image: Trulia Image: Trulia
Clearly, the home – which was built in 1887 – hadn't seen love in quite some time. Luckily, someone was willing to give it some polish. And oh, did they ever.
Image: Trulia Image: Trulia
If you think that's cool, wait till you take a look inside. The renovated home maintains its Queen Anne-style intricacy, with detailed brick work, handcrafted trim and elaborate decoration.
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Seriously, how awesome is that? Stepping inside the home is like climbing into a time capsule.
Image: Trulia Image: Trulia
And then there's the kitchen. Just take a look at that stove. You don't see too many like that nowadays, do you?
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Don't worry, modern amenities do fit quite nicely into the home as well.
Image: Trulia Image: Trulia
The upstairs of the home is fit for a King, Queen and all their loyal subjects (kids); the house sports five bedrooms, including a luxurious master.
Image: Trulia Image: Trulia
The bad news? Although the house is up for sale, it does cost a pretty penny. The good news? It's currently a licensed bed-and-breakfast. Just imagine – you could spend a night in this beautiful house! Don't forget to bring your journal; the house has what just might be the best study spot ever.
Image: Trulia Image: Trulia

What do you think of this house? Would you like to live or stay in it? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

