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You Can Soothe Cranky Babies by doing THIS to Their Feet!

Babies cry about everything, and soothing them can be a challenge. It's not their fault. Babies can't communicate what is wrong. Tummy aches, constipation, colds, and teething all cause extreme discomfort and there are few remedies that are safe for parents to use. (Even some natural remedies are not safe for young children.) One thing that is safe to try is foot reflexology. We have talked extensively about this topic. It can be used to help adults sleep and relax. (There is also hand reflexology to help treat chronic health issues.) Thus, it would only make sense that reflexology would work with children as well. “Babies’ feet have undeveloped arches, and their skin and bones are usually fairly soft making reflexology an effective and fast modality for babies. By applying gentle pressure to congested areas in the feet, blockages can be released to restore the flow of energy to the whole body.” (source)

Babies' feet are made for reflexology touch!

Give these a try!

Head and Teeth

Head Teeth Just like in adult reflexology, the tips of the toes correspond with the head and the teeth. Massaging these points can provide relief for babies who are teething.

Sinus Problems

sinuses Babies can’t take decongestants. So the pads of the toes are especially important for babies who have congested sinuses. Use a circular motions when massaging the pads of the toes.

Respiratory System

respiratory system The balls of the feet, the area just below the base of the toes, correspond with the lungs. Chest congestion can be a serious problem for infants, and may make it difficult for them to sleep and eat. Massaging this part of the foot in a circular motion will help.

Solar Plexus

solar plexus02 The solar plexus is located just behind the stomach, and rubbing this area helps babies with an upset tummy. Just rub in small, slow circles to provide optimal relief. It is also a good point to massage if your baby is having trouble breathing.

Upper and Lower Abdomen

upper lower abdomen02 Rubbing the upper and lower abdomen is great for a baby who is constipated or gassy. The upper abdomen is also where a person should rub if bowel movements are an issue. The lower abdominal area is best to massage for help with gas.


Pelvis Babies grow very rapidly and this can sometimes cause hip problems. Rubbing the heel of the foot will help. This is also another good spot to rub for constipation or tummy problems.

The video below outlines a fantastic foot massage that can help with several areas of baby disconfort.

Check it out!

Who is ready to use reflexology on their babies?

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