Do you want nasty blisters? I've got two words for you: Giant Hogweed.
Today, I'm about to show you how you can get really rotten looking, foul smelling, puke-inducing blisters all over your body just by simply touching a plant.
Believe it or not, here in North America, there are at least 10 invasive species of plants that are toxic. These include oleander, manchineel, and the aptly named deadly nightshade. But we should also watch out for some common plants that crop up in the fields and our gardens, too.
While many of those plants look like something you'd want to stay away from even if they weren't poisonous, the plant I'm writing about today is something you might be tempted to pick and even share with friends and loved ones under the right circumstances.
Don't touch giant hogweed. That would be a mistake. How big of a mistake?
Results like this can be attained without even eating the thing; merely by touchingthe plant, people can find themselves with nasty blisters like the ones on this poor kid's hands.
The hogweed plant is actually part of the carrot family and can grow up to 14 feet tall. The danger comes from toxic sap within the stem.
Contact with the plant can even cause blindness.
CBS News did a report containing a few facts about this deadly plant that I recommend you look into. Here are a few notable points to help you identify and stay away from the plant: