Do you take care of yourself? You know, brush your teeth and comb your hair? Of course you do! You take the time each day to take care of your physical body with daily beauty rituals, but what about your mind? Why not put the scientific power of meditation to work and take care of your mind, too?
As it turns out, sitting quietly for a few minutes each day wipes the slate clean and revives you mentally, physically, spiritually, and energetically.
The Scientific Power of Meditation
You don't have to take my word for it. Here is a great video by ASAP Science that explains the amazing powers of meditation: BOOM! There you have it! Meditation offers many benefits. If you didn't already believe in the scientific power of meditation, then this video at least lets you know that the proof is out there to discover. So now you are probably wondering how to begin... Check out my article on Meditation for Beginners. Depending on your learning style and personality, you may connect more with one way than another. For example, some people resonate with repeating mantras, counting down, following their breath, or guided visualizations. I suggest test-driving as many different techniques as you can to see what’s the best fit for you. The physical poses of yoga are meant to move the energy through the body so that we can sit still and meditate. So if you find you are restless, antsy or stiff, experiment with meditating after practicing yoga! Meditation is a surefire way to help harness our energy and put it into things that matter. In fact, it will help you to find the clarity and focus you need in today’s busy and highly stimulating world.For more inspiration and healthy recipes, check out
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