Yay, it's spring! If you're like many people, you're starting to think about how to get that garden back up and blooming again. We've got plenty of great gardening articles on this site, and now I'd like to bring you yet another cool tip to get your plants looking and tasting as healthy as possible.
There's a potentially powerful gardening tool you're probably throwing away by the dozen every week – eggshells.
And why wouldn't you toss them? There's not much you can do with them right? Wrong.
Eggshells are actually full of a nutrient that will help your plants grow quickly and avoid blossom end rot. As our friends at Gardening Know How report, plants like tomatoes and squash can benefit greatly from the calcium in eggshells, which acts as a building material.
They'll probably throw a tantrum at some point, might as well make the most of it.

Using Eggshells In Compost
A great way to harness the calcium-fueled power of eggshells is to put the shells in your compost. While you don't necessarily need to crush them before doing so, breaking them down into a fine powder will speed up the decomposition process and unlock benefits much faster. Compost Junkie recommends harnessing the power of your children when crushing the eggs. Just hand them a bag of the stuff and tell them to stomp!