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Rose Essential Oil: 7 Surprising Health Benefits

Rose essential oil has had a place in natural health and beauty treatments for centuries. The invigorating scent helps treat depression and anxiety. Meanwhile, the astringent, antiviral and antiseptic properties of the oil work as natural remedies to treat inflammation, wounds and other skin conditions. Rose oil also contains many therapeutic compounds that are known to promote healing. There is little in this world more sweet-smelling than a fresh bouquet of roses. And the fresh scent a rose garden kissed by the rain is even better! However, when you buy a rose-scented product, chances are, you're going to be let down. Many soaps and candles that promise the fragrance of rose only smell fake and sickly sweet. It's a different story, though, when you use rose essential oil! This is because it comes straight from the source itself. So ditch those fake rose products and get yourself some rose essential oil, instead! Not only can you use it to make your own rose-scented products, but you can also use it to treat a variety of health conditions.

Rose Essential Oil Health Benefits

1. Improves Depression

Rose essential oil benefits start with the natural ability to treat depression. This includes postpartum depression, which is a common affliction for many women. A study published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice showed that postpartum women who underwent rose oil and lavender oil aromatherapy sessions twice a week experienced a significant decrease in depression as well as anxiety. (1) Diffuse rose oil and lavender oil at home to help boost your mood and reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. For a truly luxurious, anti-depression experience, add both essential oils to a bath. Lower the lights, play some relaxing music and let the soothing qualities of the essential oils help relieve your symptoms.

2. Heals Skin

A fowl or strong chemical-smelling face wash can really put a damper on your hygiene routine. Ditch the store-bought acne treatments and opt for rose essential oil, instead. The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of rose oil can benefit problem skin. A 2010 study found that rose essential oil showed powerful antibacterial properties on the bacteria responsible for acne. To treat acne, dab 1-2 drops of rose oil on blemishes three times a day. (2) Not only will it bust acne-causing bacteria, but it will also give you a fantastic aromatherapy experience. After all, bathing practices should come with the benefit of a great scent!

3. Balances Hormones

Rose essential oil is a natural anti-anxiety agent that can help address a variety of issues. For example, it can balance hormones, reduce stress and even increase libido. To treat anxiety and hormone imbalance, diffuse rose oil throughout your home or rub 2 drops of the oil onto your neck. Rose oil works great as an aphrodisiac or a general perfume. It smells amazing, and unlike body sprays and some perfumes, rose oil's scent is long-lasting. If you plan to use it as a perfume, try mixing it with other essential oils to make your own unique scent. For example, it pairs well with both sandalwood and cedarwood essential oils. For a light floral perfume with musky and fruity overtones, try mixing rose, bergamot, and sandalwood together.

4. Reduces Inflammation

Rose essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat many health conditions. To cool a fever, calm indigestion and reduce pain associated with arthritis and gout, diffuse the oil in your home. (3) You may also try mixing it with a carrier oil to apply the oil directly to the affected area. Generally speaking, however, it's not a good idea to apply heat for inflammation. This includes taking a hot bath. However, as inflammation is often accompanied by pain, many people prefer to take a hot bath to help find some relief. If you use rose oil in a bath to treat pain that is accompanied by inflammation or swelling, just be sure to ice the inflamed area afterwards.

5. Relieves Menstruation Pain

Rose essential oil has antispasmodic properties, which can help relieve cramps associated with menstruation. Diffusing the oil can also ease nausea, fatigue and muscle pain. (4) Diffuse the oil at home or apply it topically to the abdomen to help ease menstruation symptoms. It may also be helpful to use rose oil in a warm bath. The heat will further help relax your body, which will in turn help reduce any pain.

5. Treats Wounds

When it comes to healing wounds, your mind might not automatically go to rose oil. Tea tree, for example, tends to be more commonly linked with fighting infections and treating wounds. However, the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of rose oil can also be helpful in treating wounds. Applying the oil topically can help promote healing and protect wounds and cuts from becoming infected. Furthermore, not everyone can say that their preferred method of wound treatment has a good scent!

7. Protects Against Viruses

Not only is rose oil antibacterial, it's also a natural antiviral. Help protect your body from viruses by using rose oil on a regular basis. Diffusing the oil on ever so often can help strengthen the immune system. Rose oil acts as an antiviral shield to keep viruses at bay. (5) Using it weekly in an aromatherapy bath can also help fight off viruses.

Side Effects of Rose Essential Oil

Women who are pregnant should not use rose essential oil. This is because it is an emmenogogue, which can increase bleeding and lead to a miscarriage. If you use this oil to relieve a headache, be sure it's diluted, as the strong scent can make your headache worse. The best way to achieve this is to use it in bathwater or diffuse it. For first-time use, test a small area first and watch for any allergic or adverse reactions. Should any occur, discontinue use. If you have any medical condition that you believe may conflict with the use of rose oil, either due to symptoms or medication, ask your doctor before use.

Watch the video below to learn how to make rose essential oil at home:
