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Rooibos Tea: 9 Benefits & Uses

Native to South Africa, rooibos tea is known for its many health benefits. It's packed with antioxidants that help protect the body from disease. From improving heart health to treating allergies, rooibos tea comes close to green tea, black tea and matcha green teawhen it comes to health benefits. Rooibos tea health benefits include the ability to treat and prevent diabetes, aid in weight loss, support strong bones and more.

Rooibos Tea Benefits

1. Packed with Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidants Properties

Rooibos tea benefits include the ability to provide the body with powerful antioxidants that work to lower inflammation and protect the cells from free radical damage. Rooibos tea contains quercetin, an antioxidant that is known for its powerful health-boosting properties. Quercetin can help fight high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome and asthma, among other conditions. (1)

2. Improves Heart Health

Rooibos tea benefits include the ability to boost heart health. The tea contains a flavonoid called chrysoeriol, which improves blood circulation and lowers blood pressure. It can also help reduce the risk of hypertension by regulating hormone levels. The compounds in rooibos tea are able to improve heart health by lowering inflammation in the vascular system and reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis.

3. Treats and Prevents Diabetes

Rooibos tea benefits include the ability to treat and prevent diabetes. According to research published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, rooibos tea has significant potential against the onset of both diabetes and cancer. The powerful antioxidants it contains makes rooibos tea a beneficial addition to a diabetic diet. (2) Rooibos Tea Benefits

4. May Prevent Cancer

Rooibos tea benefits may include the ability to prevent cancer, thanks to the quercetin it contains. Studies have shown that quercetin has the ability to suppress malignant tumor growth by interfering with the processes involved in cell mutation. The powerful antioxidants in rooibos tea help strengthen the immune system to prevent cancer and other diseases. (3)

5. Aids in Digestion

Drinking rooibos tea on a regular basis can help ensure a healthy digestive system. The compounds in the tea work as natural anti-spasmodic nutrients, to prevent diarrhea, cramping and abdominal pain related to digestive problems.

6. Supports Strong Bones

Rooibos tea benefits include the ability to support strong bones. It contains manganese, calcium and fluoride, all of which work together to support the growth of healthy bones. Rooibos tea also contains orientin and luteolin, flavonoids that help increase bone mineral content. Rooibos Tea Benefits

7. Aids in Weight Loss

Rooibos tea benefits include the ability to aid in weight loss. It contains compounds that help burn belly fat, including antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids. Studies have shown that these compounds can help prevent new fat cells from forming.

8. Treats Allergies

Rooibos tea benefits include the ability to naturally treat allergies. Quercetin works to block the immune cells that trigger allergic reactions. Thanks to quercetin's natural anti-inflammatory properties, rooibos tea treats food allergies just as effectively as some medications. (4)

9. Promotes Skin and Hair Health

Rooibos tea benefits extend to skin and hair health. It contains alpha hydroxy acid and powerful antioxidants that work to fight wrinkles, hydrate the skin and protect the hair follicles from damage.
