We all know smoking isn't good for your body. In fact, tobacco holds first place for the substance that causes the most health damage worldwide. Six million people die annually from smoking each year. Yet it takes a person 8 tries, on average, to quit smoking.
But even with statistics like this, there are still around 1 billion smokers in the world. The six leading tobacco companies still rake in $35.1 billion in profits annually, more than Coca-Cola, Microsoft and McDonald's combined.
A large part of that is a result of nicotine addiction, which is notoriously difficult to squash. The toughest part is often the withdrawal symptoms.
But did you know there are foods and drinks you can consume that will rid your body of nicotine quickly and ease withdrawal symptoms?
Let's take a look at 8 of them. See if they help you quit smoking, too!

We all need lots of water but smokers trying to quit need even more. Consuming at least half a gallon of water per day will help to flush out toxins and keep your body energized and healthy enough to face the quitting process.
Orange Juice
Orange juice not only aids in hydration; it also provides the body with a broad range of vitamins it needs. Vitamin C is essential for a healthy immune system. Orange juice from freshly squeezed organic oranges is best. Drink it between meals for the best effect.
Spinach and Broccoli
Spinach and broccoli are a double threat when it comes to fighting nicotine addiction. They contain high amounts of folic acid which is instrumental in the nicotine detox process. They also support the immune system with vitamins B5 and C. Go green for health and a quicker recovery.
Kiwi and Lemon
Smokers have a hard time absorbing vitamins A, C, and E. Flooding the body with these vitamins will keep one healthy and help repair the damage left behind. Kiwis and lemons are full of these vitamins and perfect for a healthy new diet to aid in quitting.
Green Tea
Up above, we mentioned removing any drinks one associates with smoking. However, if one cannot live without their daily caffeine intake, there are other options to coffee. Green tea is an excellent alternative. It is also full of amazing health benefits like antioxidants and brain power.