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The Number Of Horses You See In This Picture Reveals A Hidden Aspect Of Your Personality

This picture reveals a hidden aspect of your personality. How?

This quick picture quiz can tell you everything you need to know about a certain hidden aspect of your true personality...
Have you ever wondered about the hidden aspects of your personality? You personality is not just what is on the surface and you may not even realize you have these hidden personality traits. This picture reveals one hidden aspect of your personality. If you have ever wondered about the hidden aspects of your personality or hidden traits of your subconscious you can reveal a little bit about them from taking looking at this picture.

Take a look at this picture - how many horses do you see?

If you only saw one horse...

You are the definition of a "big picture" person. You maintain perspective in everything you do. While other people get caught up in their own personal perspective, you manage to maintain an objective worldview. You are the type of person that can see things from every angle, and you're able to see things easily from other people's perspectives. You might not pay the most attention to detail but you definitely have a more realistic view of the world. People look to you to manage things and keep things moving. You are the exact type of person that is given leadership positions because you can always keep your eyes on the prize. Yes, you constantly exceed normal expectations. Why? Well, you keep things simple, so you can focus on what is important. That tends to work out very well for you.

If you saw four to nine horses...

You are extremely hard-working, and you like to think of yourself as attentive to detail. Therefore, you excel professionally, scholarly, and socially when you put your mind to it. You take things pretty seriously, more than most, and because of that you tend to achieve more than the average person. Your achievements and accomplishments are the product of hard work and perseverance. While you are attentive to detail you also realize that you don't want to get bogged down being a perfectionist. You realize that the perfect is the enemy of the good and that you can't spend all your time trying to make everything perfect or you might never get anything accomplished. The other reason you don't spend all your time trying to be perfect is the simple fact that you don't have the energy to be that perfect. You tend to give your work 110% and at the end of the day you know you gave it your best effort - even if that effort isn't exactly "perfect."

If you saw 10 or more horses...

You are a perfectionist, and you believe things aren't truly done unless it's done perfectly. In fact, you believe there is no point in doing something if it isn't going to be done right. You tend to be critical of people who only do things half-way. When you are involved in a group effort you immediately take the lead because you want things done your way. People normally don't have a problem with your leading the way because when you are in charge, you are sure to exceed expectations in every way imaginable. But sometimes you can get caught up with your perfectionism. You may even need a nudge to get past it, but you realize that just means things are as good as they are going to get. When you can't get something to the level of perfection you want, you sometimes need to take a step back and appreciate your work. Even when things aren't perfect, they are really good, and your hard work never goes unnoticed.
Of course, the number of horses this picture reveals is up for debate. If you'd like a more in-depth look at your personality traits, though, check out this modified Myers-Briggs Test.
