When we think of cancer risk factors, we usually focus on external things like toxins. But what if risk could also come from inside? It can, according to experts. All it takes is an unforgiving mindset.
Dr. Steven Standiford is the chief surgeon at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. He says that unforgiveness weakens the immune system. This leaves the body with poor defenses against cancer cells and the toxins that feed them.
"It's important to treat emotional wounds or disorders because they really can hinder someone's reactions to treatments," says Dr. Standiford. "In fact, forgiveness therapy is now an integral part of treatment at Cancer Treatment Centers of America."
Dr. Standiford isn't the only expert who holds this belief. Researchers at Duke University, University of Tennessee and Standford University also concluded that, "Holding onto hurts, grudges, annoyances, pet peeves or old wounds hurts the body, especially when the memories are triggered by current life events."
They confirmed Dr. Standiford's 'negative thoughts = weakened immune system = increased cancer risk' hypothesis.
What's more, Canadian researchers have confirmed that negative thinking alters DNA in a cancer-friendly way. Unforgiveness shortens telomere (DNA end cap) length, which speeds up aging and increases one's likelihood of cancer dramatically.
Activities like Buddhist meditation – which focuses heavily on forgiveness – keep telomeres preserved.
How Unforgiveness Make Cancer Grow