As the weather slowly turns colder, you know cold and flu season is fast approaching. At the first sign of illness, most of us will be Googling "How to get rid of the flu in 24 hours." In fact, what we call "the flu" is an extremely contagious respiratory virus caused by the Influenza virus. Influenza attacks the body by spreading through the nose, throat, and respiratory tract. But how can you tell if you have the flu or just a cold? Well, when it comes to the flu vs. a cold, symptoms can be similar, but the flu is worse, sometimes much worse. Can natural remedies really be enough? (1)
Let's take a look at the Influenza virus. There are two common types, Influenza A and Influenza B. Regardless of which one you get, you are more likely to run a high fever, have body aches, fatigue and weakness, along with congestion, a sore throat, coughing, and sneezing. And sometimes all of these together! (2)
Yes, if you don't act at the first sign of symptoms, the flu can drag your body down for days or even weeks. But you can find some surprising relief in natural remedies. If you're wondering how to get rid of the flu fast, read below to find out how natural remedies may cure the flu fast without medicine.
10 Natural Remedies For The Flu
1. Vitamin C
The body needs Vitamin C to help keep the immune system strong. As a flu natural treatment, take 1,000 milligrams of Vitamin C daily when you first notice signs of a cold or flu. When you are experiencing full-blown symptoms, take 4,000 milligrams a day.2. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is produced in the body when you spend time outdoors in the natural sunlight. Research has shown that low Vitamin D levels are linked to higher rates of cold, flu and respiratory infections. Take 2,000 units of Vitamin D per kilogram of body weight once a day for three days to help kick the flu.
3. Zinc
Zinc has an antiviral effect on the body. It also supports a healthy immune system. Take 50-100 milligrams of zinc each day to help treat cold and flu symptoms.4. Elderberry
Elderberry is an herb that may have the power to rid the body of the flu and boost immunity. When you begin experiencing flu symptoms, take 10 ml of elderberry daily.
5. Chiropractic Care
There is a link between the nervous system and the immune system. Research suggests that chiropractic care may reduce the incidence of colds and flu by 15%. Regular visits to the chiropractor may help keep your immune st system strong enough to fight off the flu.6. Essential Oils
Both peppermint and frankincense essential oils are known to support the immune system. Clove oil has the ability to protect the body against infection. Rubbing the oils on your neck and the bottom of your feet can help boost the immune system and speed recovery.
7. Probiotics
Probiotics help restore the beneficial bacteria in your gut. This in turn helps boost your immune system. Fermented foods such as kefir, kombucha, tempeh and sauerkraut contain probiotics.8. Fresh Air
Indoor environments are often a source of concentrated germs and toxins. The dry indoor air during the winter can also make you more sensitive to viruses. Try to spend as much time outdoors in the fresh air as you can.
9. Enchinacea
Enchinacea is an herb that has powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Taking it at the first sign of illness can help your body fight off infections. Drink 5 cups of enchinacea tea on the first day of symptoms, then one cup each day after.10. Flu Remedy Food Items
- Foods that are light and easy to digest are perfect for the flu. Bone broth, herbal teas and cooked vegetables are all flu remedy food items. They are easy to digest and they provide your body with the nutrients it needs to get healthy.
- Be sure to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water while you're sick. Fluids will help your body flush out bacteria and viruses from your system.
- Hot water with lemon, honey and cinnamon can help prevent mucus build up while keeping you hydrated.
- Ginger has powerful medicinal properties that can help you kick a cold or flu. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that boost the immune system. Make ginger tea and add raw honey for an extra anti-bacterial kick.