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Mom Buys an Epic Birthday Gift for Herself! When She Puts It On, I Can’t Stop Laughing!

Do you need a pick-me-up after a rough day? This video is exactly what the doctor ordered! A wonderful woman named Candace went to Kohl’s to return some clothes that were too big for her and ended up with the best Star Wars mask imaginable! She had recently celebrated her birthday and thought she deserved it. I am going to have to agree. All moms have something in their lives that give them as much joy as Candace is feeling in this video. Her happiness is contagious, and she put me in a good mood instantly. I am so glad Candace took the time to share this with everyone. As she wrote in the description with the video, “It’s the simple joys in life.” Keep on living a happy life and sharing joy wherever you go!

Check out her video below!
