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This Homemade Mason Jar Repellent Will Leave You Bug Free!

Summer is now officially here, folks! Are you excited? I know I am. With summer comes nice weather, lots of sunshine, cool evenings and... oh yeah, bugs. While there are plenty of handy-dandy insects that will help keep your garden in tip-top shape, there are also plenty of predatory bugs like mosquitoes and wasps that will wreak havoc on your barbecues and other outdoor gatherings, while providing little benefit to anyone but themselves. To make matters worse, such insects tend to carry diseases, infections and allergens that can turn enjoyable outdoor activities into emergency situations in a flash. The good news? You can fight back. You don't have to pack up and head back inside when pests threaten your backyard adventure. Thanks to this simple bug repellent that fits in a simple jar, you can stay outside as long as you'd like. You'll need:
  • 1 Mason jar
  • 2 lemons
  • 2 limes
  • Fresh rosemary
  • 1 floating tea light candle
  • Lavender oil
Sounds like a pretty good-smelling recipe, doesn't it? That's because it is - to humans at least. Pests, on the other hand, will absolutely hate the smell that will emanate from the Mason jar. To create your very own bug-be-gone-in-a-jar, begin by slicing the lemons and limes. Fill your jar 3/4 of the way with water. Next, you'll want to place two slices of lime and lemon each in one jar. Add a few sprigs of rosemary, then add 10 drops of your lavender essential oil. Place your candle on top of the water, light it, and enjoy the aroma while the insects in your yard flee!

Want to see more cool outdoor-themed stuff? Check out this video from David's Facebook page for an outdoor water bottle that fills itself! Sources: MakersKit Lab
