We get it. You want to get rid of unsightly acne, like, yesterday. Sure, most commercial acne products get rid of excess oil, unplug pores, and reduce inflammation. But as legit as those treatment methods might sound, they don't make acne disappear. They gloss over the point that acne is not always a skin-deep problem. (1)
In fact, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, poor hygiene and oily skin are not to blame at all for bad acne outbreaks. Rather, it's something a bit more complicated – hormonal imbalance. (2)
According to Alisa Vitti, hormone expert and author of best-selling book WomanCode, the hormonal balance is to blame for acne. And what causes hormone imbalance? Well, she lays the blame on improper gut microbes and depleted skin nutrients. Are you surprised?
Luckily, anyone can correct these problems easily through the use of natural compounds. Maybe you can just make acne disappear.
First off, we have Omega-3 fatty acids. Specifically, DHA and EPA, two omega-3 fatty acids commonly found in fish oil supplements, encourage the growth of healthy, anti-inflammatory gut microbes. (3)
This helps relieve acne through what is known as the "gut-brain-skin" axis. Essentially, microbes in the gut have a major effect on the body's hormones, which affect both mental health and skin health. (4)
According to the Cleveland Clinic, probiotics keep gut bacteria in line, reducing the amount of bad microbes. (5) They also provide the skin with nutrients that strengthen it and increase its immunity. (6)
Both of these effects have proven helpful for acne sufferers.
In addition to being found in supplements, probiotics can be consumed in foods like yogurt and sauerkraut.
Researchers have found that most acne sufferers are low in zinc. (7)
In one study, acne sufferers who were given zinc supplements saw a 49.8% decrease in their total pimple count. (8)
One of the reasons zinc is so effective is its ability to reduce the effect of hormones on the skin. (9)
Vitamin B is crucial for maintaining skin health. For one, it counteracts free-radical damage that is partially to blame for acne. (10)
Vitamin B also reduces the amount of acne-causing sebum that is produced following a hormonal spike. (11) As an added bonus, Vitamin B supplements also assist in a number of other areas, including mental health.
Make Acne Disappear with These 4 Supplements
1. Omega 3

2. Probiotics

3. Zinc

4. Vitamin B