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This Is Your Luckiest Month In 2018, According To Your Zodiac Sign

Your luck is strongly correlated to the planetary formations and how those formations have an impact on your zodiac sign. Certain months and periods can make you feel more unlucky than usual, while others may bring you all the luck in the world. Find out which month will bring you the most luck according to your zodiac sign!

Aquarius: 1/20 – 2/18

February will grant you the confidence and luck to speak up for what you really want. During this month, you will feel extra strength and ability to accomplish what you set out to. You are naturally a very timid person who normally does not feel comfortable in voicing your opinion but your luck will change that. June will also be a great month for you, bringing you luck and bravery to accomplish what you want.

Pisces: 2/19 – 3/20

You are a very sensitive person who takes things personally when your luck runs out. You have long thought of yourself as an unlucky person and have given up on the concept of luck altogether. However, this year looks to be different for you. You will be the most lucky in December and February. These months will prove to be the most lucky for you because they are sure to bring you the joy and loving that you have been needing lately.

Aries: 3/21 – 4/19

So far, 2018 has proven to be a pretty good year with encouraging progress. This progress and momentum will only continue for you with Aries enjoying 3 months of luck in 2018, including April, December, and March. These months will provide you the luck and energy required for your daily life.

Taurus: 4/20 – 5/20

You've been in a rut for quite some time now. As with many things in your life, your luck will slowly build up until around April, where you can expect to enjoy a month full of luck and prosperity. June will also bring another month of luck for you, as June will increase your luck and open your mind to new experiences. Zodiac

Gemini: 5/21 – 6/20

Lately, you have been unable to complete tasks to the best of your ability. You have been struck with a lot of feelings of indecisiveness, which has lead to frustration on your part. You can expect to have quite a lucky summer, with June and July looking like the months with the most luck for you. Use your summer luck to explore and travel to fulfill yourself.

Cancer: 6/21 – 7/22

You have a very hard time letting new people into your life and it is difficult for you to open up and let others see your true self. Because you struggle to let others in, you sometimes have a hard time sustaining friendships and relationships. However, a new wave of luck is coming your way and it is just the confidence and luck you need to break down your own barriers. You can expect that the months of February and July will be the luckiest for you.

Leo: 7/23 – 8/22

You are known for your fast-paced lifestyle and inability to slow down. You are constantly on the move but sometimes, that leaves little time for personal growth and relationship development. You can use your upcoming months of luck to dive deeper into relationships and take the time to relax for a little while. For you, the months of July and August will bring the most luck for you to create new relationships and focus on your own personal development.

Virgo: 8/23 – 9/22

You have been feeling the stresses and pressures of life lately and it has been taking a toll on you. You feel like you haven't experienced any luck lately and you have been struggling with the notion of your unluckiness. Your luck will be turning around starting in September. This will ease your stress and will allow insight into your life. Zodiac

Libra: 9/23 – 10/22

You are not much of a risk-taker but you're the type of person that when they do something, they go all out. You haven't been feeling too lucky in the romance department lately but your luck will be turning around shortly. The months of June and October will prove to be very lucky for you, with new relationships and friendships forming.

Scorpio: 10/23 – 11/21

Your thoughts and actions have been all over the place and there has been little clarity in your life as to what your next move should be. Your personal energies have been out of wack which has caused you to feel all over the place and generally unlucky. These months of May and November will leave you feeling re-energized and will bless you with the luck to see the clarity in your life.

Sagittarius: 11/22 – 12/21

You are an outgoing person who is always down for a good adventure. You feel that so far your luck in 2018 has been pretty good but you are looking to see just how lucky you can get this year. You can expect your luck to ramp up in November and December. You can use these months of luck to pick up a new hobby or rekindle an old relationship.

Capricorn: 12/22 – 1/19

You are someone that can connect emotionally with all people and you are able to strike up a conversation with nearly everyone. Your overtly friendly personality allows you to create a network of friends that always support you. Your luck in 2018 has been off and on and you have been forward to some stability with your luck. You can expect that March and December will bring you plenty of stability as far as luck is concerned.
