Here are 5 plants to boost your mental focus:
1. Basil

Basil leaves are round, often pointed, and highly fragrant. A basil plant will fill the air with a spicy clove scent, combined with a hint of mint and pepper. The scent of basil can improve cognitive thinking and decision-making, while helping to reduce stress. Researchers have found that the aroma of basil stimulates the brain's beta waves, which increase levels of alertness. Basil is also often used in aromatherapy for those who are tense and tend to hold on to anger. Rubbing sweet basil massage oil onto tight muscles can ease soreness and tension.
2. Peppermint

3. Juniper

The juniper tree has a peppery and somewhat smoky scent, similar to that of a pine tree. Juniper berries, on the other hand, boast a sweet and woody aroma, which work as a natural morning wake-up call. The aroma of juniper helps to relieve mental and physical fatigue and provide an energy boost. But juniper berries may also relieve arthritis and sore muscles. That's thanks to their antiseptic and astringent properties. Juniper has an amazing natural calming effect on the body and mind.
4. Rosemary

5. Sage

Sage leaves boast a sharp and spicy aroma that increases memory and alertness. It can even aid in recovery from physical exhaustion and long-term stress. Sage is said to quicken the senses, relax the body and give the mind a boost of wisdom. Sage leaves contain antioxidant enzymes and flavonoids that make them a natural remedy for those suffering from inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and asthma. When cooking with sage, add it only at the end of the cooking process to maintain its nutrients.