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Green Beans: 7 Health Benefits

There are around 150 varieties of green beans around the world that come in varying shapes and colors. As a versatile vegetable, green beans can be grown in many different climates. Green beans health benefits stem from the many vitamins and minerals they contain, including calcium, iron, manganese, potassium copper, and Vitamins A, C, K and B6. Thanks to these nutrients and others, green beans health benefits include the ability to control diabetes, boost immunity, improve bone health and more.

Green Beans Health Benefits

1. Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Green beans health benefits include a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. They contain flavonoids and antioxidants that work to reduce inflammation levels and prevent blood clots. By lowering inflammation, green beans also help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and stroke. (1)

2. Prevent Colon Cancer

Studies have shown that green beans benefits include the ability to prevent colon cancer, thanks to their fiber content. Fiber eases the digestive process and promotes regular bowel movements. Studies have linked increased fiber intake to a reduced risk of colon cancer. (2) green beans health benefits

3. Control Diabetes

Green beans health benefits include the ability to naturally control diabetes. As a non-starchy vegetable low in calories and carbohydrates, consuming green beans on a regular basis can help manage and regulate diabetes symptoms to prevent dips and spikes in blood sugar.

4. Boost Immunity

Thanks to the powerful antioxidants they contain, green beans health benefits include the ability to boost immunity. The flavonoids and carotenoids in green beans help fight free radicals that cause damage to the body, while strengthening the immune system.

5. Support Eye Health

Green beans health benefits include the ability to support eye health. The carotenoids in green beans can help prevent macular degeneration and other vision problems. Two specific carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, play a key role in preventing stress that can cause eye damage. Thanks to these powerful carotenoids, consuming green beans on a regular basis can help support eye health. green beans health benefits

6. Improve Bone Health

Green beans health benefits include improved bone health. The nutrients in green beans, including calcium, work to prevent bone deterioration and bone-related health issues such as osteoporosis. Green beans also contain Vitamin K, Vitamin A and silicon. Deficiencies in these nutrients have been linked to bone loss, decreased bone strength and decreased bone durability. Green beans are a healthy source of silicon, which plays a key role in overall bone health. (3)

7. Treat Gastrointestinal Issues

Green beans health benefits include the ability to treat gastrointestinal issues. The fiber content in green beans work to ensure that the digestive system runs smoothly. High-fiber foods like green beans can help prevent digestive issues, including constipation, hemorrhoids and ulcers. One serving of green beans, about 110 grams, provides 15% of the daily recommended amount of fiber.
