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Are You In? The Fall 2023 Cleanse & Detox Group Starts Now!

We're already preparing for the amazing community of learners, cleansers, and healers who are joining us for our Fall 2023 Detox Group. Will you join us?

Join Here: David Wolfe & Friends Live Group Plant-Based Detox

What's This Detox Group All About?

Over the course of three weeks, we'll get together for three live calls – September 20, September 27, and October 4. On those calls, you'll learn about the protocol I've developed over 30 years of doing these cleanses. And why I keep doing them. Yes, I'll be right there with you, from cleansing to water fasting.

Together is always better!

Meet Me Where You Are

Wherever you are physically, find the manna, the magic that will support you mentally and give you energy to make it through the day. One day at a time – that’s all you have to focus on.

It's mind over matter.

We get so much of our energy from food, but on a deep cleanse, you'll find that you can get energy from other things. And taking food out of the picture leaves space for something else -- your work, your fitness, your breathing.

Join Our Detox Group on Telegram!

Everyone who signs up for this program will also be included immediately in our special Telegraph Detox Group Chat. Here's where the community magic happens. We have people from around the world sharing their cleansing stories. Some are first-timers. Some are old-timers. But you'll find a kindred spirit in the group... and tons of support.

Are You Ready?

We are ready to get this cleanse started! Join us early to get access to our comprehensive detox guide, which includes detailed guidelines, recipes, and inspiration. You can also get started on getting out those unwanted guests (parasites!).

At the end of this, your self-esteem will be through the roof, and every day will feel like The Best Day Ever!
