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5-Ingredient DIY Recipe for Straight Hair

What do all girls with curly, wavy, or kinky hair want? That is right. Straight hair! I fell into this category when I was younger. I wanted straight hair because I thought it would be easier. However, the ingredients used in common hair straighteners can be very irritating or dangerous for the scalp. They can also weaken the hair. Hair straighteners come in many different varieties, and some cause more damage than others. There are also all the touch-ups needed to straighten the new hair that grows in. (Source) Let's assume at least 4 rounds of straightening a year if one is being frugal. The cost? $300 to $1000 depending on the type of hair the stylist is working with. Ouch! (Source) Let’s just say that after looking at all the work that would be needed, I decided I liked my hair the way it was. However, this natural hair straightener looks like an amazing substitute for spending $300 at the salon.

Natural Hair Straightener


  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 3 tablespoons cornflower
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons natural yogurt
  • 6 tablespoons coconut milk
  1. Mix all ingredients together and use heat from the stove or the microwave to help with the mixing process.
  2. Apply the mixture to the hair and leave it in for 1 to 2 hours before washing out. (The time needed depends on the intensity of the curl or kink.)
It might seem like much work, but the results look well worth the effort!

Check out the video below to learn the whole process! Looks awesome! I might have to give this a try! Plus the ingredients look like they will do wonders for my hair.

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