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What You Need To Know About Diffusing Essential Oils

I diffuse essential oils in my home at least a couple of times a week. I love it! I use it to deodorize and to help heal. I have a slight allergy and exercise induced asthma. Sometimes my wheezing gets too much for me to handle. That is when I pull out my oils and diffuser. I diffuse oils with antispasmodic properties to help sooth the wheezes. I grab lavender, peppermint, and frankincense essential oils. Add only 1 or 2 drops of each to my diffuser filled with purified water, and let the vapors ease me. I feel relief right away! The frankincense essential oil helps me take deeper breathes while the lavender and peppermint help the wheezing. As I sit and take in the essential oil vapor, I am glad to have my essential oils for help. Diffusing also helps with deodorizing and calming my household. During a crazy day with the kids, I diffuse either chamomile, patchouli, lemon, or lavender essential oils. All promote a calm and stress-free environment. In addition, they leave my house smelling clean and inviting. Diffusion works by distributing essential oil molecules through the air. Once in the air, they are inhaled and come into contact with nerves that send them directly to the brain. This is a quick and safe way of letting the essential oils go to work for you. You can either use a diffuser or direct inhalation. For direct inhalation, simply open the bottle and breathe. You can also drop a few drops onto the palm of your hand, rub your hands together, then cup your hands over your mouth and inhale. 18483029392_a0a086ec1a_o Flickr

Cleansing of the Air

Essential oils combat mold microorganisms, decrease the toxicity of chemicals and increase atmospheric oxygen. They do all of this while leaving your home smelling great! Diffuse rosemary, citronella, tea tree, lemon, cinnamon and/or clove essential oils.

Boosting Immune System

Diffusing essential oils during the cold season sure helps our family combat those pesky colds. Diffuse eucalyptus, cinnamon, and/or frankincense essential oils.

To Destress and Relax

Essential oil’s power to cross the blood-brain barrier allows them to improve moods. Once the oils hit the emotional center of the brain, they go to work. Essential oils have been used to increase energy and improve mood. When I am feeling overly stressed and anxious, I love diffusing essential oils. Diffuse lavender, ylang-ylang, and/or bergamot essential oils. shutterstock_359646242

Better Sleep

“The inhalation of essential oils with hypnotic properties may provide a safe and effect therapy for some sleep disturbance” states this study on essential oils and sleep. Lavender has been shown to promote relaxation and better sleep. Lavender lowered blood sugar while decreasing the production of cortisol in another study. Diffuse lavender, roman chamomile, and/or clary sage essential oils.

Easing Congestion

Congestion is just a pain. It comes with colds, allergies, and breathing disorders. Diffusing essential oils can take that all away. Diffuse peppermint, rosemary, lemon and/or eucalyptus essential oils.

Setting The Mood

Ylang-ylang is known for its ability to increase libido, so it is not surprising that newlyweds in Indonesia enter their bridal suites to find their beds covered in ylang-ylang flowers. Essential oils have been used for years as mood enhancers. When having a quiet night with your loved one, try diffusing some oils to increase the loving spirit. Diffuse jasmine, ylang-ylang, allspice, or clary sage essential oils. Caution: Sensitivities can occur with essential oils. A little goes a long way and make sure you are using 100% therapeutic grade essential oil. Contact a doctor if the condition worsens. Be smart and do your research before diffusing in your home. Eucalyptus should not be used on young children. Source: "Ylang-ylang." Essential Oils for Beginners: The Guide to Get Started with Essential Oils and Aromatherapy. Berkeley: Athena, 2013. 201. Print.
