Cumin essential oil has a wide variety of properties that make it an amazing healing substance. Nearly all the medicinal properties of cumin come from its essential oils. Cumin essential oil is far more effective and beneficial than cumin seeds. The oil is extracted from dried and crushed cumin seeds through a process of steam distillation. (1)

10 Health Uses Of Cumin Essential Oil
1. The Oil Is Anti-Inflammatory And Kills Bacteria!
Cumin essential oil is a good bactericide. It can be used in the treatment of diarrhea and cholera, which are caused by bacteria. Furthermore, it can cure internal bacterial infections like those in the colon, stomach, intestines and urinary tract. Cumin oil also heals external infections on the skin, ears, eyes, and in wounds. Cumin oil is also fights inflammation, and may help fight cancer. (2, 3)2. Cumin Oil Removes Flatulence!
Cumin essential oil has strong carminative properties and effectively drives away gases from the intestines. It also prevents any further formation of gases. Cumin oil is particularly helpful for those with irritable bowel symdrome. (4)
3. Strongly Aids in Digestion
Cumin essential oil aids in digestion, but should be taken in low doses. High doses can do the exact reverse and can also make you vomit. The oil also promotes the discharge of bile and gastric juices and stimulates peristaltic motion of the intestines. Its smell acts as an appetizer to stimulate your appetite. It particularly stimulates the digestive and excretory system and keeps them in order.4. Promotes Urination - Helping The Body In Many Ways
Cumin oil increases the frequency and quanitity of urination. This may sound not that important, but it can be very beneficial for health. Along with urine, fats are lost from the body, up to 4% of the volume of urine. Therefore, the more you urinate, the more fat you lose. Urination also promotes digestion and keeps gas from forming. It removes excess water from the body and reduces swelling. Its greatest contribution is that it helps to remove toxins from the body. What’s more, it also reduces blood pressure. That is the reason that most drugs for lowering blood pressure induce frequent urination. Urination also helps to clean out the kidneys.5. Heals Wounds As An Antiseptic
Cumin oil has antiseptic properties. In other words, it does not let external and internal cuts and wounds become septic. This is a powerful disinfecting agent for the body.
6. Treats Spasms And Eliminates Related Coughs
Cumin oil has very strong anti-spasmodic properties. It can be used in treatment for nearly all sorts of spasms and associated troubles. These include cramps, convulsions, non-stop coughs, pains, and cramps.7. Cumin Oil Detoxifies The Body
Cumin essential oil is an excellent detoxifier. It removes toxins, including those which are produced by the body. These toxins include excess hormones and metabolic byproducts, as well as those which get into the blood stream through food. Toxins like uric acid, insecticides, synthetic colors, and fertilizers can enter the body through food. Cumin oil again promotes sweating and urination, thereby removing the toxins with them.8. Regulates Menstruation
Cumin oil can help maintain a regular menstruation cycle and can open obstructed menses. It also helps in recovering from Post Menopause Syndromes.