Mugwort essential oil, which dirives from the leaves, buds, and flowering tops of the Mugwort tree, has a noteworthy history in Chinese and European cultures. Its medicinal properties were used to treat various illnesses, while in Europe it was said to be used in witchcraft and black magic. Many people regard mugwort as a weed, and therefore easily cast it away as useless or as a hindrance. However, mugwort has numerous medicinal qualities, making it useful in treating such conditions as epilepsy, digestive disorders, and intestinal worms, to name a few. (1, 2) You can learn more about the specifics of the benefits this oil can offer by reading below.
Read more about the health uses of mugwort essential oil:
1. Anti-Epileptic and Anti-Hysteric
Mugwort essential oil has soothing and relaxing effects. As such, it can be used to treat hysteria attacks, as well as epileptic episodes. It may even help treat epilepsy. (3)2. Helps With Problematic Menstruation
Those who suffer from blocked menstruation may find relief with mugwort essential oil. This substance is what’s called an emmenagogue, which means it can make your periods regular, as well as address other period-related symptoms. For example, it can help with fatigue, headaches, abdominal pains, and nausea. Furthermore, mugwort oil can help avoid early menopause. (4)3. Warms Your Body
Mugwort essential oil has a warming effect on the body. As such, it can be used to counter the effects of cold temperatures. Think of it as a heater in a bottle, to combat chilly winter nights. (5)4. Relieves Digestive Disorders
Tummy troubles that come with certain digestive disorders can present painful and uncomfortable symptoms. Mugwort essential oil, however, can help cure some of these disorders. For example, it can regulate the flow of digestive juices in order to facilitate digestion. It can also inhibit microbial infections in the stomach and intestines. (6)
5. Powerful Diuretic
Mugwort essential oil can address a variety of ailments related to urination. Examples of these include chronic renal failure, renal calculi, obesity and hypertension. It can also help relieve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, and gout. This is because mugwort oil is a diuretic, helping remove toxins from the body that cause some of those conditions. Furthermore, it increases urination, both in frequency and quantity. The added bonus of this ability is you will likely see an increase in appetite as well as an improvement in digestion. (7)6. Calms Nerves
With its calming effects, mugwort essential oil can be taken as a tonic for the nerves. Use it to treat various nervous afflictions and disorders, as well as to strengthen the nerves. The unique thing about mugwort when it comes to treating nerve-related afflictions is that it sedates the nerves in cases of shock, while also stimulating them to make you more alert. (8)7. Stimulates Hormones
Mugwort essential oil stimulates nearly all the functions in the body, such as circulation, the secretion of hormones and enzymes from endocrinal glands, the discharge of bile, respiratory, and milk in the breasts, to name a handful. Several of these effects are attributed to mugwort’s effects on certain hormones that regulate bodily functions. (9)8. Corrects and Prevents Uterine Ailments
Maintaining proper uterine discharges and stimulating the production of certain hormones that keep the uterus functioning properly are also in the job description for mugwort essential oil. Furthermore, this oil can protect you from uterine ulcers and tumors. (10)