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This Canadian Town Will Give You A Job & Property If You Move There

In Cape Breton, Nova Scotia is everything you could ever want. Well, almost. Jobs, nature, schools, churches – it's all there. What's missing is qualified, able workers. Cape Breton's low population keeps it teetering on the line between rapid growth and stagnation. Young people, seeking a rowdier urban environment, are leaving the island in droves. That paves the way quite nicely for those of us who are more inclined to stay home and read on a Friday night than go bar-hopping. 'I would live there,' you might be thinking. 'I'd just never have the money to buy property at those ridiculous Canadian rates!' You sure about that, eh? Well guess what? giphy (15)

In true polite Canadian fashion, the folks at The Farmer's Daughter Country Market are offering employment and 2 acres of land to anyone willing to make the move to Cape Breton.

All you need is a bit of intrigue and authorization to work in Canada. You can get the latter with ease by obtaining a letter from The Farmer's Daughter Country Market (your prospective employer) and a government work visa. So, to all those unhappy with how the U.S. election is going, take comfort in knowing it's not that difficult to move up north. As for intrigue, just take a look at the marvelous video of Cape Breton below for some of that.

So, who's ready to move?

Sources: The Farmer's Daughter Country Market, Facebook Huffington Post
