The most effective way to lose weight or boost your metabolism is to eat a healthy diet full of nutritious fruits and vegetables and free of junk food and preservatives, drink plenty of water and get an adequate amount of exercise to keep your body healthy and strong. If you're already accustomed to a healthy lifestyle and you're looking for another way to get your metabolism moving a little more quickly, you might benefit from acupuncture.
Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that has been practiced for centuries. It's based on the theory that energy (chi or qi) flows through and around the body along pathways called meridians. Acupuncturists believe that illness occurs when something either blocks your chi or causes it to become unbalanced. By helping to increase the flow of chi throughout the body, the organs can function more efficiently and you'll be able to absorb a higher amount of nutrients from the food you eat.
Traditional Chinese medicine views the metabolism as the smooth and abundant movement of subtle energies throughout the body, also called qi. Injury and stress can disrupt the flow of qi. Certain foods are recommended to boost the flow of qi, including yams, cooked grains and seafood.
The theory of Chinese medicine is that the qi circulates through the body using meridians, and each meridian corresponds to a different internal organ. Meridians have pressure points, and it's believed that massaging one of these points in a small, circular motion can help release any blocked qi on the meridian, which in turn releases tension in the related organ. Pressing and holding the point draws qi into the channel to invigorate the organ. Thus, acupuncture is believed to help improve the work of internal organs to increase their activity, possibly leading to a faster metabolism and supplemental weight loss.