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6 Benefits Of Ugli Fruit

When it comes to ugli fruit, it really is what's on the inside that counts. The fruit may not look very appetizing, but it's packed with nutrients that help strengthen the immune system and fight disease. Benefits of ugli fruit include the ability to aid in weight loss, boost heart health, fight diabetes and more.

Benefits of Ugli Fruit

1. Aids in Weight Loss

Benefits of ugli fruit include the ability to aid in weight loss. It's low in calories and contains zero carbohydrates and zero fat. Ugli fruit is also high in fiber, which is beneficial for weight loss. Fiber can help reduce toxins in the gut while balancing hormones and improving digestion. (1)

2. Boosts Immune System Function

Benefits of ugli fruit include the ability to naturally boost the immune system. Like other citrus fruits, ugli fruit is packed with antioxidants that help fight free radical damage in the body. A medium-sized ugli fruit provides the body with about 140% of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin C. (2)

3. Helps Fight Diabetes

Benefits of ugli fruit include the ability to fight diabetes. The fruit ranks low on the glycemic index, which means it's a healthy choice for those who struggle with diabetes. High-fiber foods like ugli fruit can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Citrus fruits also contain pectin, which can help alleviate diabetes symptoms. Benefits of ugli fruit include the ability to prevent dips and spikes in blood sugar levels. Benefits of ugli fruit

4. Boosts Heart Health

Benefits of ugli fruit include the ability to boost heart health. Pectin, fiber and the other nutrients in ugli fruit work to support a healthy cardiovascular system. Thanks to pectin, benefits of ugli fruit include the ability to reduce cholesterol levels and lower the risk of coronary artery disease. High-fiber foods like ugli fruit can also help reduce triglycerides and prevent hypertension, which is a major factor for heart disease.

5. Reduces Cancer Risk

Benefits of ugli fruit include the ability to reduce the risk of cancer. The fruit is packed with disease-fighting antioxidants that help prevent free radical damage and reduce oxidative stress in the body. Research has shown that pectin has the ability to cause apoptosis or programmed cell death in colon cancer cells, suggesting that ugli fruit may be a beneficial addition to a cancer prevention diet. Ugli fruit also contains a chemical compound called coumarin. Coumarin has been studied for it's possible use as an alternative to chemotherapy drugs. (3)

6. Helps Dissolve Kidney Stones and Gallstones

Benefits of ugli fruit include the ability to help dissolve kidney stones and gallstones in the body. Ugli fruit contains terpenes that are known to help fight cancer. Terpenes, including limonene, can also help naturally dissolve both kidney stones and gallstones.
