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8 Benefits Of Pine Pollen

Pine pollen is pollen taken from a male pine tree. It contains powerful phyto-androgens which promote hormonal health, both in men and women. Furthermore, pine pollen contains other health-related benefits. For example, benefits of pine pollen include treating depression, improving symptoms of arthritis and aiding in workout sessions. Learn more about pine pollen benefits below!

Here are 8 benefits of pine pollen:

1. Powerful Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties

One of the more prominent benefits of pine pollen is its strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory abilities. In particular, pine pollen has strong ability to scavenge free radicals, as demonstrated in a 2009 study. Additionally, benefits of pine pollen include the ability to slow aging. This is possibly due to the theory that free radicals, left unchecked, can contribute to the appearance of aging cells within the human body. (1, 2) Furthermore, pine pollen exhibits a powerful ability to fight inflammation. Because of this, researchers assert it may be beneficial for those suffering from chronic inflammatory conditions. This includes reducing painful rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. (3)

2. Hormone Production

Due to the androgenic hormones and micro-nutrients contents, benefits of pine pollen include the ability to boost hormone production, both in men and women. Pine pollen contains zinc and magnesium, which are necessary for a properly functioning endocrine system. It also contains androgenic hormones, which can help rectify a number of hormone-related issues. This includes breast health as well as testicular and prostate health.

3. Contains Phyto-Androgens

One of the benefits of pine pollen is that it offers the benefits of steroids without the negative side effects of synthetic steroids. This makes it a possibly viable choice for athletes and body builders. Pine pollen contains natural phyto-androgenic hormones, such as androstenedione, testosterone, DHEA, and androsterone. In fact, due to these phyto-androgenic hormones, benefits of pine pollen also include reducing menopause symptoms, such as night sweats and hot flushes. (4)

4. Natural Substitute for Multivitamins

Benefits of pine pollen extend to your overall health, too, in that it contains over 200 micronutrients. For example, pine pollen contents include vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, D2, D3, E and folic acid. Furthermore, pine pollen is a good source of minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, zinc and selenium. Choosing pine pollen instead of cheap, synthetic multivitamins may be a smarter route.

5. Natural Aphrodisiac

The phyto-androgens present in pine pollen lend themselves to issues with libido, as well. For this reason, benefits of pine pollen include serving as a natural aphrodisiac. These phtyo-androgens help restore normal hormone function, which can have a major effect on sex-drive.

6. Workout Recovery

Benefits of pine pollen extend to your workout sessions, as well. Pine pollen contains more than 20 amino acids, including the essentials, making it a complete protein. This makes it a fantastic substitute for many post-workout supplements on the market, as many of these can be toxic.

7. Good Source of DHEA

Pine pollen is rich in DHEA, which plays a crucial role in hormone production in the body. DHEA imbalances can lead to such conditions as depression, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, and cognitive issues. Pine pollen, then, can help correct these issue and balance hormones.

8. Enhances Mood Naturally

This is where the hormones present in pine pollen come into play again. A correct balance of hormones lends itself to a feeling of overall well-being. Additionally, pine pollen contains phenylalanine, which can stimulate dopamine levels in the brain. This in turn renders pine pollen a natural depression treatment.

Learn more about the benefits of pine pollen before.

Learn how to collect pine pollen here!
