Aches and pains are often hard to figure out. You might feel the sensation but you have no idea what's causing it. Over-the-counter pain pills might help reduce the aches, but they won't help address the underlying problem. The next time you feel pain in your body, pay close attention to what it's trying to tell you before reaching for a pain pill.
Here are nine common pains that are linked to serious health problems:
1. Pain Associated With The Heart
If something isn't quite right with your heart, you might feel compressing pains in your chest. These
pains can spread to your left arm, shoulder blade and part of you neck. They are't typically associated with movement or breath.
2. Pain Associated With The Kidneys
Kidney pain is often confused with a backache. The difference between the two is that
kidney pain is situated deeper under the ribs. Muscle pain is usually a little lower. Kidney pain can also travel to the legs.
3. Pain Associated With The Small Intestine
If something is up with your small intestine, you may feel
pain in your navel region. If the pain causes discomfort while bending or walking and does not subside, visit a health care professional.
4. Pain Associated With The Large Intestine
If you are having
problems with your large intestine, you may feel pain in the lower abdomen, closer to the right side of your body. Constipation on a regular basis can also indicate issues with the large intestine.
5. Pain Associated With The Lungs
If something isn't quite right when it comes to your lungs, you may feel
a dull ache in your chest. Other signs of lung problems include constant coughing and difficulty breathing.
6. Pain Associated With The Appendix
The appendix lies in the lower right region of the abdomen. If
something is wrong with your appendix, you may experience stomach pain. In some cases, the pain will travel to the right thigh.
7. Pain Associated With The Stomach
Stomach problems can cause pain in the
middle of the abdomen above the ribs, and near the same level in the back. Gastric or esophageal pains are often confused with heart pain. If you're experiencing pain that does not subside, visit a doctor.
8. Pain Associated With The Gallbladder And Liver
Pain in the
upper right region of the abdomen can be a sign of gallbladder and liver problems. The pain can also travel to the same place in the back. Liver problems are also associated with jaundice.
9. Pain Associated With The Pancreas
If something is wrong with the pancreas, you may experience pain in the middle of the upper abdominal region. A less intense pain related to the pancreas can travel throughout the stomach. A tell-tale sign that
your pancreas is in trouble is if the pain becomes worse when you lie on your back and after you eat a meal.
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