People have a habit of sticking to their routines. Once you establish a new habit, it can be hard to break the cycle. But some of your everyday habits might be putting your health at risk - habits you've never thought twice about. If you frequent any of the habits below, it might be time to change up your routine.
These 7 everyday habits can damage your health:
1. Preventing Yourself From Sneezing
When you close your mouth or squeeze your nose to stop a sneeze, your intracranial pressure increases. This disrupts the blood flow to the brain, which causes the blood vessels and nervous tissue to become compressed. As a result, you may experience headaches, blood vessel damage and even hearing problems. So the next time you feel a sneeze coming on, let it out!
2. Using Perfume
Most commercial perfumes and colognes are full of synthetic substances that are toxic to the body. They can cause dizziness, nausea and drowsiness. The harmful substances in perfume can also irritate your eyes, throat and skin. If you want to smell good, try swapping out your perfume for some essential oils.3. Using A Smartphone Before Bed
The blue artificial light from your smartphone suppresses melatonin - the hormone that regulates your sleep and wake cycle. If you're playing on your phone right before bed, you're most likely going to get a poor night's sleep. Low melatonin levels can also lead to depression, obesity, heart disease and a fragile immune system.
4. Storing Food In Plastic Containers
Plastic containers can contain BPA and other chemical substances. When you store your food in plastic wrap or plastic containers, those chemicals can end up seeping into your food and having a negative effect on your endocrine system. Store food in glass, stainless steel or ceramic containers instead.5. Brushing Your Teeth Right After Eating
Acidic foods and drinks can effect your tooth enamel, as well as the layer below it, called dentin. When you brush your teeth right after eating, your toothbrush actually pushes the acid even deeper, closer to the dentin. This can damage the enamel and cause extreme sensitivity to the teeth.