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8 Tips for Battling Fatigue When You Have Thyroid Problems

It is incredibly common for those with hypothyroid problems to feel constantly tired and fatigued. However, if you fall into that category, there are still ways to revitalize your energy.

Here are 8 tips to help you do just that in a completely natural way.

1. Whole Food Supplements

medication-233109_640 Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial when you’ve got a hypothyroid or low functioning thyroid condition. But even if your diet is golden, you could be lacking in many nutrients. A whole food vitamin supplement can help with this by providing you nutrients and vitamins not present in your diet. A blood test is recommended to see just what your body is lacking. An omega-3 supplement is also a good idea.

2. Adrenal Fatigue?

Your body’s adrenal glands, located on top of each kidney, help you manage stressful situations. When working properly, they release cortisol, adrenaline, and DHEA to help you cope with everyday life. Adrenal dysfunction is not surprising if your life is very hectic and busy, causing the glands to become overwhelmed and exhausted. You can speak to your doctor about getting an adrenal function saliva test. Treatment options include Ashwagandha and Rhodiola Rosea, herbs that support the function of these two glands.

3. Ensure You are Sleeping Right

Sleep_woman Your body cannot function properly when you are missing out on sleep. You should aim for about 8 hours of sleep per night and try to maintain a regular schedule. Remember to seek out a grounded or earthed sleep system. More information on that may be found here.

4. Balance Your Blood Sugar

To maintain a healthy thyroid, your blood sugar level must be kept within a reasonable range. Eating too many high glycemic carbohydrates causes the pancreas to secrete more insulin than usual, which leads to hypoglycemia and eventually type 2 diabetes. Following a ketogenic diet is a recommended solution to blood sugar roller coasters. Keep tabs of your blood sugar level using a blood glucose meter if you know you have thyroid or blood sugar problems.

5. Aim For Anabolic Exercise

Anabolic exercise accomplishes the opposite of catabolic activity (such as cardio and weight training). Anabolic forms of exercise include yoga and tai chi, which are much less stressful on the body and will not result in your body feeling as fatigued with lingering muscle soreness as it would with catabolic exercise.

6. Take Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 nourishes the production of red blood cells and assists the body in energy production in order to keep us healthy and active. Thyroid conditions such as Hashimoto’s are linked to a deficiency in B12, as is the tendency to feel tired and weak. B12 is responsible for energy production, DNA synthesis and the formation of blood — no wonder we feel tired when we lack in it. You can take over the counter B12 supplements, and they come in many forms, from pills to chewable. The most effective B12 comes from injections.

7. Lose The Sunglasses

SYZET_E_DIELLIT Yeah, they might make you look super cool but getting out in the sun and exposing your eyes to the natural rays can boost your body’s endocrine system. Try to leave your sunglasses in your car when you go out on your errands. In fact, you might as well try to avoid them as much as possible unless they are important for your safety (such as while driving). When you are wearing sunglasses, your body lowers its defenses to UV light, and radiation as the tinting of light reaching your eyes gives your body the impression of less light and radiation.

8. Get Some Iron

Iron_disulfide_pyrite Iron produces a protein that helps your blood cells deliver oxygen all around your body. When your blood is low in iron, you’ll find yourself feeling quite lethargic. How do you know if this feeling is linked directly to an iron deficiency? It will likely be coupled with feeling weak, irritable and having trouble focusing. Iron deficiency is one of the most common concerns doctors have with patients, and it can be easily remedied by eating red-colored foods of all types.

Take a look at the video below to learn more about adrenal fatigue. Source:
