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8 Strategies For A Clean, Healthy Colon

You might not think about your colon much (maybe once a day?), but a healthy colon can be a key driver of your overall well-being. Do you think you could lose upwards of 20 pounds just by going to the bathroom? Well, if you're like the average American, it's entirely possible you have that sitting in your colon right now. It sounds funny, but it's no laughing matter. Having a clean, healthy colon is a great way to not only lose weight, but also to improve your gut bacteria and overall health. It's more than just added weight, though. That toxic sludge prevents the colon from doing what it's supposed to do – absorb nutrients and expel waste. It also negatively impacts gut bacteria, making it difficult to lose weight. And you don't have to be constipated in order to need a colon cleanse. Your bowel movements may already be regular. However, if it's been a while since you've done a colon cleanse, or if you've never done what at all, you just may benefit from doing one now. This is especially true if you've had a difficult time losing weight, or you're feeling sluggish or fatigued. So what's the solution to this whole colon fiasco? There are several, and I'm about to show you 8!

8 Natural Strategies For A Clean, Healthy Colon

#1 – Drink Lots of Water

healthy colon cleanse shutterstock_131075399 This right here is a big one. As much as 75% of all Americans suffer from dehydration, a major cause of colon blockage. Your colon needs water to keep waste flowing – and it needs a lot more than you might think. You should be drinking no less than 2 liters of water each day. Some health experts actually recommend that you exceed that number and push past 3liters daily. This will make that toxic sludge a lot easier to push out. We know, of course, that it can be a major challenge getting in that much water every day. Many people choose to use a water app on their phones. This is a great way to receive a reminder that it's time to drink your water. If plain water isn't your thing, try adding fresh slices of lemon and/or orange into your water. Lemons in particular are good for helping your body to expel waste at a faster rate.

#2 – Make A Prune Juice Cleanse

While we think of most juice having little to no fiber, prune juice is an exception. This makes it great for clearing colon blockage. Furthermore, it's easy to come by and easy to consume, as compared to making cleansing juices every day. Along with drinking plenty of water, it's one of the easiest ways to solve the issue of a backed up colon. How much prune juice you should drink depends on just how backed up you are. Generally, you'll want to drink 8 ounces before breakfast and another 8 ounces after dinner. Once you've noticed that your bowel movements are becoming more frequent, you can begin to wean yourself off drinking so much prune juice. This is to prevent your colon from becoming dependent on it. Look at it as a jump start.

#3 – Eat Lots Of Fiber

healthy colon cleanse shutterstock_293997170 Prunes are just one good source of fiber. Here are a few more to try:
  • Avocados
  • Berries
  • Coconut
  • Figs
  • Okra
  • Brussels sprouts
Women between 19 and 50 should be getting 25 grams of fiber each day to ensure healthy waste passage. Men in that age range need 38 grams. After 50, women need 21 grams of fiber while men need 30.

#4 – Drink Lemon Juice Regularly

The high vitamin C content in lemon juice gives it antioxidant properties. According to research, this is great for your colon's overall health. Lemons also boost your metabolic rate, increasing your body's efficiency at expelling waste. You can get your lemon in your morning glass of water, but this Lemon Detox Soup is a delicious addition to your detox menu.

#5 – Get On The Probiotic Train

healthy colon cleanse shutterstock_384682516 Probiotics are healthy bacteria. They regulate bad, toxic bacteria that leads to blockage in your gut and colon. Normally, your body contains enough probiotics. But certain medications, like antibiotics, can kill them off. You can restore your level of probiotics by eating the following foods:
  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Sauerkraut (be sure it says "contains live cultures" and is kept in the refrigerated section at the store)
  • Dark chocolate
  • Pickles
  • Kombucha
You can also take probiotic supplements. Read more about those here.

#6 – Throw Flaxseed On Everything

Okay, almosteverything. Flaxseed goes great with oatmeal, cereal, and even yogurt. The omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed do a great job of loosening your colon. Flaxseed also contains more fiber than any other grain. Those two points make flaxseed a fantastic colon cleanse bouncer for the sludge that's been wedged in your colon since God knows when. 100 grams of flaxseed contains 27 grams of fiber. Factor this into your daily fiber intake; taking too much over that amount will give you diarrhea. For best results, try grinding your prior to consumption. This makes it easier for your body to use. Read more about flaxseed for colon cleansing here.

#7 – Make An Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse

healthy colon cleanse shutterstock_257388970 Apple cider vinegar contains enzymes that support probiotic growth. Apple cider vinegar's acidic nature can also help it battle through years of hardened toxic colon blockage. Seriously, years. That's how bad things can get. Mix 8 ounces of warm water with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of organic honey. Shake, stir and drink. Repeat this every morning until you notice your bowel movements have become more regular. Read more about this recipe here. You can also try adding apple cider vinegar onto your freshly-steamed vegetables. It's great, for example, with spinach, chard or beets. Those added veggies contribute more fiber for a healthy colon.

#8 – Use Ginger Tea

Ginger warms up the inside of your body. This speeds up sluggish digestion and bowel movements. For best results, make a ginger tea; the added warmth of the water will go a long way. Our ginger tea recipe requires the following:
  • 2 teaspoons of freshly grated ginger
  • A quarter teaspoon of turmeric (to reduce the bloating constipation causes)
  • 5 cups of spring water
Bring the water, ginger, and turmeric to a boil. Then, reduce the heat to a simmer and let it sit for 10 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and add raw honey to taste. You'll notice this makes a lot of tea. Remember, a healthy colon needs a lot of fluids!

If you're pregnant or on any medications, please consult your doctor before giving any of these home remedies a try.
