Have you ever started a diet only to fail? The answer to permanent weight loss isn’t found in crash diets or starvation. In order to keep weight off for good, start forming healthy day-to-day habits that will stay with you for life. Once you’ve mastered them, you’ll never have to think about weight loss again.
When you eat in front of a screen, you don’t pay attention to what and how much you put into your mouth. This causes you to eat more, without even realizing it. A study published in Appetite found that people who ate lunch without any distractions ended up snacking 69 percent less than those who ate with distractions, such as TV or video games. (2)
In a study published by the New England Journal of Medicine, Darius Mozzafarian of Harvard analyzed the eating habits of over 120,000 people. He found that yogurt was the number one food linked to weight loss. Though scientists don’t know exactly why yet, they surmise it’s because yogurt’s probiotics enhance healthy gut flora. Yogurt is also a great snack because its high protein content keeps you fuller longer. Combine it with nuts, which are also high in protein and unsaturated fats, and you are set for weight loss success. (5)
Start with these 7 weight loss tips!
1. 30 Minutes of Exercise a Day is All You Need
In a study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, Dr. Astrid Jespersen tracked 60 moderately overweight Danish men for 13 weeks. He discovered that those who exercised 30 minutes a day lost 7.9 lbs and had more energy, while those who exercised longer lost only 6 lbs and felt burned out. With these stats in mind, even popular home fitness programs, such as Insanity and P90x, have shortened their workouts to just 30 minutes. (1)2. Never Eat in Front of the TV or Computer

3. Turn Down the Thermostat
When we’re cold, we shiver. According to the National Geographic, shivering causes our bodies to produce more energy to drive up our core temperatures. In fact, those who shiver expend five times the amount of energy than those resting in comfortable temperatures. As a result, 15 minutes in the cold can have the same effect as exercising for an hour. (3)4. Check Your Labels
Next time you head to the grocery store, take a moment and read the labels. Studies have shown that women who analyze the nutritional facts have a body mass index 1.48 points less than those who don’t. The major facts to pay attention to are serving size, calories, fats, carbs, and protein, all of which can be specifically tailored to your height and goal weight. (4)5. Load Up on Yogurt and Nuts