Ladies and gentlemen, we've got some cool information on our hands – literally!
From vitamin deficiencies to life-threatening diseases, our hands can provide quite a lengthy medical record. Know what to look for is key to decoding that record.
On that note, I present 6 common hand abnormalities – and what they mean.
#1 – Brittle Nails
Do your nails seem to crack and split if you merely look at them the wrong way? That could be your hands going 'Please! Stop with the harsh nail products!' This is especially true if you tend to leave your nail polish on for extended periods. Have a look at this post to learn about nail polish brands that don't contain harmful drying chemicals. If you don't use nail products, the next most likely culprit is an iron deficiency. This is the most common form of nutritional deficiency in the world, and it robs nails of the proteins they need to stay strong. Get more iron in your diet by eating lots of red meat, seafood, dark leafy greens and beans.#2 – Flaky Skin
Vitamins B3 and B7 are super important for skin health. A deficiency in either can leave your hands looking like pita bread that's been dragged behind a truck. You can find vitamin B3 in foods like:- Fish
- Chicken
- Pork
- Peanuts
- Portobello mushrooms
- Green peas
- Sunflower seeds
- Green peas
- Leafy greens
- Oats
- Lentils
- Brown rice
- Egg yolk
#3 – Dry, Itchy Hands
If your hands stay dry and irritated no matter how much lotion you use, eczema could be to blame. The inflammatory condition can be caused by allergies, over-washing or the use of harsh products. If you suspect you've got eczema, check in with your doctor. While you're there, ask if a natural apple cider vinegar hand wash is suitable for your case. Apple cider vinegar will remove the toxins that are aggravating your skin.#4 – Colorful, Numb Fingertips
If your toes change from white to blue to red, this could be a sign of something called 'Raynaud's Phenomenon.' This condition is characterized by unusually intense reactions to cold or stress. These reactions, or 'attacks,' constrict blood flow to the fingers, causing them to change color and become numb. If you suspect you've got Raynaud's Phenomenon, here are a few tips from Mayo Clinic:- Quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke
- Exercise more to increase circulation
- Find ways to manage your stress before it gets overwhelming
- Avoid rapid changes in temperature