Shower time! But wait, should it be? If you think you need to take a shower every day, you might want to think again. When you were a child, your parents might have hammered the practice of daily bathing into your head, but the truth is, by showering or bathing every day, you’re probably doing more harm than good. Of course, for a lot of us, it’s counter-intuitive to forgo a shower, but in doing so, you just might be doing your body a big favor.
Here are 5 reasons you shouldn’t shower every day:
1. You’re Drying Out Your Skin
Soaps and hot water siphon moisture from your body. So, all those long, relaxing hot showers and baths in the winter are actually adding to your already dry, flaky winter skin. This in turn creates more cracks in your skin, upping your risk for infections. Opt for shorter showers and lukewarm temperatures, and after you get out of the shower, be sure to replenish lost moisturewith a trustworthy lotion or cream.2. You’re Not as Dirty as You Think
Unless you sweat a lot from exercise or work, you don’t need a daily bath or shower. According to Dr. Casey Carlos, assistant professor of medicine in the division of dermatology at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, most people use soap where they don’t really need it. Carlos says that the skin actually does a great job at cleaning itself, which means we don’t need to wash from head to toe. Carlos suggests using it in armpits, the groin area, feet — the places that have a bigger potential for smell —and skipping chest, back, legs, and arms.