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4 Natural Remedies That Cure Toenail Fungus FAST!

Toenail fungus is not the most glamorous of topics. But the fact of the matter is that a lot of people suffer from this toenail condition. It's not hard to see why. Seriously, fungi thrives in warm, dark and moist environments, making your socks and shoes an ideal hangout spot. This is especially true in humid weather. And, of course, it doesn't help if you don't change your socks every day or as often as needed. Using public showers without protection (flip-flops!) is also a good way to spread fungi and other undesirable foot conditions. Furthermore, toes also don't have as much blood flow as other parts of the body, making it harder for the immune system to detect the fungi and serve it with an eviction notice. That doesn't mean you can't step in and kick the funky fungi to the curb. In fact, you can do so quite easily! Let's take a look at a few simple methods to battle toenail fungus.

Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

4108653248_fd33a5482d_b toenail fungus Apple cider vinegar is great for fighting fungus and bacteria both internally and externally. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, apple cider vinegar works wonders for getting rid of all sorts of unwanted bacteria – including toenail fungus. Use the apple cider vinegar to make an exfoliating scrub by mixing two teaspoons of it with one tablespoon of rice flour. It should turn into a paste. Apply this to your infected toenails and scrub with a toothbrush. Then, rinse your feet off and pat them completely dry. Repeat this process every other day. And keep the toothbrush far away from your regular toothbrush. (Please. For the sake of humanity.) Alternatively, you can soak your feet in an apple cider vinegar bath. Use small tub or basin, one that is large enough to accommodate your feet. Mix one cup of apple cider vinegar with cool water; use enough liquid to cover affected areas on your toenails. Soak for 15 to 20 minutes, rinse your feet, then pat them completely dry. Repeat this process every other day. Remember, it's best not to use apple cider vinegar in this fashion undiluted, especially on children with sensitive skin.

2. Baking Soda

24978791011_33068dc09c_b toenail fungus Baking soda is another antibiotic that will have your toenail fungus running off and screaming like a little child being chased by the boogie monster. Seriously, when fungi hang out around a campfire, they tell each other scary stories about baking soda. In addition to getting rid of the fungi, baking soda will also create an alkaline environment on your skin that will make for healthier skin overall, preventing further fungal outbreaks. Furthermore, baking soda helps dry up excess moisture on your feet, and will help neutralize foot odor. Mix two parts of baking soda with one part of warm water to create a paste. Apply this to your infected toenail and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Then, wash it off and pat dry completely. Repeat this process twice daily. You can also use baking soda in a foot bath to rid of your toenail fungus. Add several spoonsful of baking soda to a basin of water. Use only enough water to cover your feet. Soak for 15 minutes, rinse, then pat completely dry.

3. Oregano Oil

olive-oil-507129_960_720 toenail fungus This spice isn't just for pizza and spaghetti (although it tastes great in both!). Without a doubt, oregano oil is one of the most powerful plant-derived antiseptics. As a bonus, it smells great and will leave your toes feeling fresh. Mix about five drops of oregano essential oil with two teaspoons of olive oil (or whatever your preferred base oil happens to be) and apply the solution to a your toenails. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and scrub the uppermost layer of your infected nail with a toothbrush. Rinse it off with warm water and dry your feet completely with a clean towel or paper towel. Repeat this daily. For an even more powerful antibacterial kick, try combining oregano oil with tea tree oil, or melaleuca. Tea tree oil has phenomenal antibacterial properties and, joined with oregano oil, will knock your toenail fungus out of the stratosphere.

4. Turmeric

Curcuma_longa_roots (1) toenail fungus Turmeric is a natural anti-fungal substance. And this golden spice boasts a wealth of other health benefits, as well. For example, turmeric is anti-inflammatory, aids in digestion, improves the health of your heart and your brain, and treats arthritis. It's also another one of those things toenail fungus is absolutely terrified of. As a bit of a forewarning, it does smell a bit strong and distinctive. Furthermore, turmeric may leave behind a yellowish stain when you use it on your skin. But don't worry! It should disappear within a day or so on its own, or may come off with a bit of witch hazel or another astringent product. It may also stain your clothes and linens, so take care in applying it to your skin. Begin with one tablespoon of turmeric powder. Mix it with a little bit of water to form a paste and apply this to your affected toenails. Let this sit for two to three hours and rinse your toenail off with lukewarm water. Dry your toenail thoroughly and repeat the process twice daily until you notice the fungal infection has vanished.
Also Read How Turmeric Protects Your Brain From Fluoride Poisoning!
If you're particularly prone to toe fungus, you may find that you need to use these techniques indefinitely. No harm there – Consider them part of your daily cleaning ritual! And many of them are therapeutic in nature. So sit down, relax, grab a book and let these remedies help keep your toenails fungus-free. Additionally, as mentioned above, be sure to take step to avoid contracting or spreading toenail fungi. If you use a public shower, such as one at a gym, be sure to wear flip-flops or another form of sandal. Never share socks or shoes with someone, especially if either one of you has a confirmed case of toenail fungus.

But not all fungus is bad! In fact, we may be using fungus instead of plastic in the near future - to make the world a more sustainable place. Sources:
