Every square centimeter of your skin contains roughly 222 touch receptors. That works out to roughly 3,996,000 receptors for the average male. That ain't no small number. Our bodies could've decided to shed that multitude of receptors at some point in the human race's 200,000-year evolution. Obviously, though, they're important. Today, we're going to discuss why.
Here are 4 reasons touch is an absolutely crucial part of the human experience.
#1 – It helps us communicate.
Next time you're heading into a meeting with a friend, plan to not touch them the entire time. From the moment you meet to the moment you're walking in opposite directions – no touchy. I'm kidding, don't do that. It would make things very awkward. Touch is an absolutely crucial part of how people communicate. For example, a trained person will be able to know exactly who you are based on how you shake their hand. For the average Joe or Jane, though, touch is a way of expressing and evoking everything from affection to desire, confidence and reliability. Powerful stuff.#2 – It connects us to each other.
Every time you touch another human being, your brain releases a chemical called oxytocin. Experts dub this the 'love hormone,' but really it enhances all sorts of human connections. I like the way a 2006 study in the journal Virtual Reality put it:Human touch bears the capacity for very personal and very intimate interpersonal interaction, and can potentially evoke a sense of proximity and establish the human connection.